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(Suggested donation: $40)

Text-based study enhances Torah study skills

Developed specifically for online, in-depth learning

Taught by scholars with a personal interest in the subject

Engaging topics made relevant to real life issues

About the Course

The central observance of Rosh Hashanah is hearing the shofar. This year, many of us will not be able to attend synagogue services and will be blowing the shofar at home. This course will provide you with practical tips and mystical insights to fulfill this mitzvah an optimal manner, so you can blow at home, and blow everyone away.

Course syllabus

The ABC's of Shofar Blowing
In this class, we'll cover how to select a shofar, the dos and don’ts of blowing, how to position it and how to breathe.
The Kosher Shofar Blowing
In class two, we’ll learn about when it can be blown and who can blow it. We’ll dive into how long each shofar blast needs to be and what it needs to sound like, and of course, we’ll walk you through the proper blowing sequence, let’s begin.
The Kabalah of Shofar
In our final class, we’ll look at the mystical and spiritual elements of the shofar. What does its call represent? What does it remind us to do? What does it accomplish in the celestial spheres? Ready? Here we go.
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Length/Effort:
    3 weeks / 30 min. per week
  • Category: High Holidays
  • Institution: - Chabad of NWBC
  • (Suggested Donation $40)
    Donate Here
    Registration Required

Meet the Instructor

Rabbi Chanoch Kaplan serves as Rabbi and Executive Director at Chabad of NW Bergen County in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. He received a BA in Judaic Studies from the Rabbinical College of America and Rabbinic ordination from the Rabbinical College of Sydney, Australia. He is a sought after lecturer, teacher and counselor.

  • This was an amazing course and well done. I was hesitate at first about the ability to "connect" with the subject and and amazed how my life focus has changed after just 4 weeks. Thank you Rabbi Stein and Courses. Shabbat Shalom.

    Joanne Y. - Israel

  • I loved everything about this course. It was obviously very well planned and delivered. The quality of your online course surpasses those which I have taken from university.

    Terry T. - USA

  • My husband, my son and I listen to and these courses are our school. We really thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

    Celia R. - USA

  • The instructor did an excellent job! I really enjoyed this course. I think it's a topic that's relevant to everyone--each of us has a soul, after all. I am looking forward to future offerings!

    Katy C - USA