
The Talking Wine Bottle

Insights into Wine at Jewish Rituals

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The Talking Wine Bottle: Insights into Wine at Jewish Rituals

A fun exploration of the uses of wine at Jewish rituals including Shabbat, festivals, weddings and more. L’chaim!
Kiddush, Wine

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Becky Ontario April 7, 2020

This family seemes used to having inanimate objects suddenly become animated on their tables.

They also seem used to being in endless documentary videos! Reply

Anonymous massachusets March 14, 2023
in response to Becky:

so true. when the bottle appeared on their table they weren't so shocked. Reply



Chana Rivkah Graham March 3, 2019

wow! that wine bottleis so smart, he even knows how to talk! Reply

Anonymous Bklyn, NY February 23, 2011

nice, but its great video, cute, motivating to watch, but its a bit basic and simple. Maybe some more deep insights, even for kids. Reply

Gerson October 26, 2010

There are other reasons as well. While the fact that wine is intoxicating is one special aspect of wine, it is not the sole factor. After all, one may recite kiddush on grape juice as well.
Wine has always been associated with celebration. In fact, we poured wine on the altar in the Temple in Jerusalem.
Incidentally, there are some who do use scotch for the daytime kiddush. Ask your rabbi what he thinks about it. Reply

Anonymous Blacksburg, VA October 25, 2010

Really?!?! We drink wine for kiddush because it makes us feel giddy and happy? That's the only explanation? If that's the case, then why not drink Scotch (my drink of choice) instead? Reply

Anonymous sheffield, england August 29, 2007

FUN!!!!!!!!! its fun 2 watch and enjoy.
i love these type of videos. Reply

Anonymous June 14, 2007

Educational Very very cute!! My Daughter and I were watching this video, and she said to me " wines talk?' and she ran to the fridge and opened it and said to the wine bottle "TALK!" it was really cute! Reply

Simcha Rochel Greenwald duluth, mn April 26, 2007

IT'S GREAT! I LOVE IT! Hey you know readers, the IKS is VERY good.
you'de like it if you watchd it.
we always watch the IKS evry day! Reply

Simcha Rochel Greenwald duluth, mn April 25, 2007

it's great! it's great! i love how whenever avi trys to say some thing bad, jonoe said u-u-u-u-...
lol Reply

Chaya Bigelman Tucson, AZ April 11, 2007

I like it :) Its really good!!! I like it VERY much! Reply

Chavi Pittsburgh, PA April 8, 2007


amichaiperez not ur bissions January 13, 2023
in response to Chavi:

this is so animated but kinda cute Reply

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