
Classes and Insights

Time for Torah: Pesach
An Overview of Passover
Audio | 1:18 :00
An Overview of Passover
The Body and the Soul of Passover: A practical guide to the laws of Passover as well as their inner meaning and spiritual dimension.
Matzah: The Food of Faith
Faith does not direct one's behavior even while it inspires one to great heights; proper behavior without faith is lacking as well. Matzah teaches us how to combine faith with everyday life.
The Four Sons
Audio | 23:16
The Four Sons
The Four Sons are the main guests at the Seder night, let’s get acquainted with them.
Chametz And Matzah
Audio | 16:24
Chametz And Matzah
A deeper look at the difference between Chametz and Matzah, in Hebrew it is the simple letter change from ‘Hey’ to ‘Ches’. And the laws of how to rid of Chometz.
Passover Night and Kabbalah
Uncover the secrets of the Passover seder
The deep levels of Kabbalah that can be reached on the Passover Seder night, and practical lessons that we can learn for our day-to-day life.
Rich Matzah Poor Matzah
The Rich Matzah and Poor Matzah that the Jews ate when leaving Egypt, and its implication and lesson to us.
Chametz, Matzah and Freedom
Rabbi Kraznianski explains the inner dimension of Passover sprinkled with insights into the haggadah.
A Life-Changing Passover Seder
It is the oldest interactive, multi-sensory experience in the world, the Passover Seder is more than just a story, it’s a complex tool for self-growth.
Meaningful Matzah Musings
Eating matzah, a central tradition of Pesach, is one of the first mitzvot performed by our forefathers as a nation. Learn what Jewish mysticism has to say about its spiritual significance.
Five Sons – Five Decades
The sons of the haggadah: the wise, the wicked, the simple and the one who asks not, typify the four decades: the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, resulting in the unique decade of the 90s.
Why Does Matzah Taste Bad?
It's no accident that matzah tastes so bland, find out what its lack of flavor really represents.
Flags of our Fathers
Audio | 1:31:48
Flags of our Fathers
Who are you? Where do you come from? And why do you observe different customs on Passover than your friends and neighbors? A very nice insight of what really happened when we left Egypt.
Passover Offerings
Audio | 53:28
Passover Offerings
The significance of the Passover offerings and insights into portions of the Hagadah.
The Fifth Son As Teacher
It’s a well known fact that our critics are our best teachers; but what can the pious learn from the sinner, what can the nonobservant teach the observant? Let’s meet the fifth son.
Meditation & the Seder
Learn what meditation has to do with Judaism and what are the three steps to the meditation.
Four Squared
Audio | 42:51
Four Squared
Crossing the Red Sea
When the Jews encountered the red sea and they had the Egyptians closing in behind them, they broke up in to four camps: Where should they go? What should they do?
The Sea Split
The splitting of the Sea of Reeds is the prototype for all events in history, when G-dliness was made evident: prophecy of sort, a curtain removed, truth revealed.
The Chassidic Dimension - Pesach
An in depth presentation of Chassidic teachings on the holiday of Pesach.
Why the War Against Chametz?
Audio | 29:43
Why the War Against Chametz?
Jews are so careful about the smallest crumbs of bread over Pesach. What is the deeper significance to this leaven-hunt?
The Ten Makkot – Plagues
Audio | 52:46
The Ten Makkot – Plagues
This class takes a deeper look at the purpose of the ten plagues that afflicted the Egyptians and what they represent.
The 3 Matzot and 4 Cups of Wine
Audio | 42:38
The 3 Matzot and 4 Cups of Wine
This class presents the mystical significance of the three matzot and the four cups of wine used at the Pesach Seder.
Torah Gems - Parshah Vayikra - Pesach
Experience the gems of the Parshah with the classic commentaries, and a kabbalistic twist.
Torah Gems - Parsha Tzav - Pesach
Experience the gems of the Parsha with the classic commentaries, and a kabbalstic twist.
Life, Liberty and What?!
The Torah attitude about freedom and true liberty.
The Chassidic Dimension - Acharon Shel Pesach
An in depth presentation of Chassidic teachings on the Final Day of Pesach.
Pesach (1)
Audio | 18:27
Rabbi Schapiro on Pesach
This is an advanced class on the holiday of Pesach.
Acharon shel Pesach
This is an advanced class on the Final Day of Pesach.
Matzah: Bread of Poverty
The requirement to eat bland, unleavened bread i.e. Matzah made exclusively from flour and water at the Seder, is unique to our observance. By contrast, at the original Seder in Egypt on the night before the Exodus, it was permissible to eat enriched matzah, i.e. flour mixed with fruit juice or egg. In explaining the reason for this difference, this class reveals the spiritual significance of matzah and its critical message for experiencing true personal growth.(Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 16, p. 122.)
So Where is the Wisdom?
The Wise Child at the Passover Seder
The question of the wise son in the Passover Haggadah seems, on the surface, to express not wisdom but much ignorance. This class will reveal the profundity of his question—indeed one that we all need to ask.
The Enigmatic Charoset
Symbols of the Seder
This class explores the fascinating role of the Charoset and in so doing sheds new light on the personal freedom we are to experience Seder night. (Based on Likkutei Sichot, vol. 32, pp. 44–53.)
Four Cups, Four Mothers, Four Sons: Part 1
The Passover Seder
The Four Cups of the Passover Seder as they correspond to the "four sons" (the wise one, the wicked one, the simple one, the one who does not know how to ask) as well as the four matriarchs (Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah.) Part 1 of this class addresses the first two cups.
Four Cups, Four Mothers, Four Sons: Part 2
The Passover Seder
The Four Cups of the Passover Seder as they correspond to the "four sons" (the wise one, the wicked one, the simple one, the one who does not know how to ask) as well as the four matriarchs (Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah.) Part 2 of this class addresses the second two cups as well as the cup poured for Elijah the prophet.
Moshiach's Meal
Audio | 29:20
Moshiach’s Meal
The eighth day of Passover
On the final day of Passover (Acharon Shel Pesach), there is a custom to partake of a festive celebration known as Moshiach’s Seudah (the meal of Moshiach). What is the source and meaning of this custom, and what is its connection to the final redemption that will come about through Moshiach?
Passover and the Paschal Lamb
In temple times, each Jew would participate in a Passover offering. We examine two details of the Paschal sacrifice: its bones were not to be broken and it was to be eaten roasted. What is the deeper meaning behind this and how is it relevant today?
Retelling the Exodus from Egypt
On Seder night, we are obligated to tell over at length the story of the Exodus (as described in the in the section of Maggid in the Passover haggadah). How is this mitzvah different than the daily remembrance?
Passover Insights on the Haggadah
The Physics of the Ten Plagues
In the Haggadah, our Sages debate the precise number of plagues visited upon the Egyptians in Egypt and at the crossing of the Red Sea. The spiritual relevance of their respective views provides guidance and inspiration for our own personal exodus.
Passover: The Urgency of Personal Growth
G-d instructed the Jewish people to prepare "in haste" to leave Egypt. Pharaoh rushed the Jews out. Pesach has been a time of urgency ever since. Discover how urgency is key to personal growth.
Wild and Wonderful Passover Seder
A Practical Guide
Rabbi Tzvi Freeman presents tried and proven ideas, gimmicks, props and shtick to bring your Seder alive.
Matzah of Haste, Wine of Leisure
Why three matzahs and four cups of wine?
The Kabbalah of the matzah and wine at the Passover Seder. Men, women and the dynamics of redemption. Explore the deeper understanding of why we have three matzahs on the Seder plate and drink four cups of wine. (Based on Lukutei Sichos vol. 26, Parshas Voeira)
Why Three Matzahs and Four Cups of Wine?
A deeper understanding of why we have three matzos on the Seder plate and drink four cups of wine. Discover how the spiritual dimensions of the Exodus reflect the difference between men and women in light of Chassidus. (Based on Lukutei Sichos vol. 26, Parshas Va’eira)
Turbulent Waters
Audio | 50:35
Turbulent Waters
The Final Days of Passover
A deeper look at the significance of the crossing of the Red Sea following the Exodus and the crossing of the ‘River’ with the arrival of Moshiach, prophesied by Isaiah.
Pesach: Three Steps to Radical Self-Transformation
Passover has three names, to represent the three key stages of revolutionary spiritual growth. (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 17 Pesach)
Getting Unstuck
Audio | 1:04:54
Getting Unstuck
A spiritual guide to your personal exodus
The Jewish people’s redemption from Egypt as a model for getting “unstuck” from seemingly impossible situations in one’s own life.