
Lipchitz, Jacques

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The Rabbi and the Sculptor
He said an artist needs inspiration, that you have to wait for a certain thing to come down--he called it the 'holy spirit'--and for him putting on tefillin gave him his inspiration for the day...
Camp Gan Israel Italy began in 1959, and since 1976 has been held at the famed artist’s former home and studio
Mornings at Villa Bozio, perched at the top of Pieve di Camaiore in Tuscany, begin early. Reveille at Pardes Chana—the girls division of Camp Gan Israel Italy—is at 8 a.m., although campers who want to make it to Cocoa Club better be up earlier than that....
In a visit to Kfar Chabad, famed sculptor Jacques Lipchitz disclosed that he is alive at the time because of a blessing he received from the Rebbe thirteen years earlier. He also revealed that the Rebbe purchased a pair of tefillin for him which he wears ...
Those who have been Divinely gifted in art, whether sculpture or painting and the like, have the privilege of being able to convert an inanimate thing, such as a brush, paint and canvas, or wood and stone, etc., into living form.
Mrs. Lipchitz had been advised by Jewish leaders that the phoenix is a non-Jewish symbol. How could it be placed in Jerusalem, no less?
By the Grace of G-d25th of Shevat, 5732 [Feb. 10, 1972]Brooklyn, N.Y. Mr. Chaim Yaacov [Jacques] LipchitzVilla BosioPieve di CamaioreLucca, Italy Greeting and Blessing: I was sorry to hear that you were not feeling too well, but I trust that by the time t...
By the Grace of G-dErev Lag BOmer, 5729 [May 5, 1969]Brooklyn, N.Y. Mr. Chaim Yaakov [Jacques] LipchitzLa Quinta HotelLa Quinta, Calif. Greeting and Blessing: Thank you very much for your letter of the 21st of April. I was delighted to note that you feel ...
By the Grace of G-d5th of Teves, 5725 [Dec. 19, 1964]Brooklyn, N.Y. Mr. Chaim Yaakov [Jacques] Lipchitz168 Warburton Ave.Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. Greetings and Blessings: After the considerable interval, which already made me wonder at your prolonged sile...
By the Grace of G-d9th of Kislev, 5724 [Nov. 25, 1963]Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Chaim Yaakov [Jacques] Lipchitz168 Warburton Ave.Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. Greeting and Blessing: I was pleased to receive your letter in which you acknowledge my letter and good wis...
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