
The Tefillin Campaign

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The Tefillin Campaign

Some ask: “What benefit results from the Tefillin campaign? You put Tefillin on a Jew only one time, and you have no idea if it has any lasting effect on him?” Every Mitzvah forges an eternal bond between a Jew and his Creator. In addition, the Talmud teaches that a Jew who dons Tefillin even once, becomes worthy of his share in the World to Come; his entire eternal future, depends on it.
Tefillin, Tefillin Campaign, The Rebbe's, Lubavitcher Rebbe
The Tefillin Campaign
Disc 25, Program 99

Event Date: 10 Nissan 5743 - March 24, 1983

Some ask: “What benefit results from the Tefillin campaign? You put Tefillin on a Jew only one time, and you have no idea if it has any lasting effect on him?”

Every Mitzvah forges an eternal bond between a Jew and his Creator. In addition, the Talmud teaches that a Jew who dons Tefillin even once, becomes worthy of his share in the World to Come; his entire eternal future, depends on it.

Others complain: “How can you do this on the street where you might, by accident, approach a non-Jew; its embarrassing?”

There is no alternative – to save Jews we must take that risk. But approaching a non-Jew is nothing to be ashamed of: When he sees that a complete stranger has put aside his own affairs to seek to do a favor for someone, he too will be inspired to do a favor for another.

Living Torah

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Brian Richman Lynchburg, VA July 18, 2011

The Mitzvah Tank Works !!! A 42 year old secular Jew, who only got Bar mitvah'd in english because he never went to hebrew school was walking down South Beach Miami when he was approached to lay T'Fillin. As he did this, his Christian wife took pictures amazed because she had never seen this before. Afterwards, he walked away and laughed about it with his wife and brother at what a funny thing to do on South Beach. Fastforward 4 years later , I was recently re bar mitzvah'd 3 months ago in Hebrew, have been faithfully keeping shabbat , going to Temple every Fri night , attended Torah study and I am on the board at the Temple and Vice President of the Brotherhood, wear a Kippah ful time and wear a Talis every morning while saying the Shemonei Esrei, and my Christian wife just converted to Judaism a few weeks ago. NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE THE POWER OF THE MITZVAH TANK !!! Reply

Lewis Brinin Tampa, Florida April 16, 2007

thank you ! As the grateful recipient of this special "favor" all I can say is a heartfelt thank you to the Rabbis who spent a hot humid day last may at the Israel Independence Day helping people put on tefillin! I was so moved I went to the credit union got a loan and bought a pair of tefillin for myself! After 7 payments of 160 they are finally paid off Thank G-d!
You can never tell what your actions will accomplish thank you! Reply

Chani Benjaminson, December 9, 2008

full talk The Living Torah produced by JEM produces entire DVDs with the text and sources. For more info, visit the JEM Store. Reply

Zachary Schwartz Los angeles, CA December 8, 2008

Please It would be incredibly helpful for me in my future studies for the website to post a link to the text of this video or the complete text of the Rebbe's talk on this day Reply