
Every Person, A Tzaddik

27 Tevet, 5751 • January 13, 1991

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Every Person, A Tzaddik: 27 Tevet, 5751 • January 13, 1991

The publisher of Lifestyles magazine asks for a message for the world, in honor of the Rebbe’s 90th birthday: “The number 90 in Hebrew is “Tzaddik.” Every person, both Jew and non-Jew, must become a true Tzaddik, a righteous person.
Birthday, Nissan 11, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Every Person, A Tzaddik
27 Tevet, 5751 • January 13, 1991
Disc 21, Program 82

Event Date: 19 Adar I 5752 - February 23, 1992
Living Torah

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