The Jew’s Natural Habitat
20 Menachem Av, 5745 • August 7, 1985
Living Torah
The Jew’s Natural Habitat: 20 Menachem Av, 5745 • August 7, 1985G-d promises every Jew: “You shall be for Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” This is not only a request, but also an assurance that no Jew will ever be lost. No matter how far a Jew may wander, his true place remains with G-d, Torah and the Jewish People. Simply by doing a Mitzvah, a Jew comes home.
The Jew’s Natural Habitat
20 Menachem Av, 5745 • August 7, 1985
Disc 24, Program 93
Event Date: 20 Av 5745 - August 07, 1985
G-d promises every Jew: “You shall be for Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” This is not only a request, but also an assurance that no Jew will ever be lost. No matter how far a Jew may wander, his true place remains with G-d, Torah and the Jewish People. Simply by doing a Mitzvah, a Jew comes home. Even in exile, when it feels as though we are distant from G-d, we are only here because G-d wills it. Thus, every moment in exile fulfills His Will and unites us with Him even more, bringing us closer to His deepest desire: that through the temporary descent of exile, we reach the eternal elevations of the true and complete Redemption. |
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