
Dealing with Challenge

Finding Purpose in the Emergency Room
I was in the ER because G-d wanted me there, and I was sick for a good reason, even if I didn’t understand that reason.
Panic Attacks and PTSD: What You Can Learn From My Experience
I see my struggle as a hidden gift from G‑d.
A Scammer Robbed Me of Everything I Thought I Had
The truth surfaced bit by bit.
On Neurological Pain, Suffering and an Indigenous Tribe’s Coming of Age Ceremony
Our suffering is often compounded by our inability to reconcile any purpose for the suffering.
Finding a Broken Star of David, Finding My Faith
Why would G‑d permit my son’s life to hang in the balance?
Light Eternal: How I Made My Way Out of the Darkness
I am not alone. My ancestors are with me.
When My Son Died, I Felt I Was Mourning Alone
I just didn’t see G‑d in the picture at all.
After Radiation, I Never Imagined I’d Be Back on the Treadmill
I was there six days a week for several weeks. No exceptions. It was made quite clear to me that no matter how terrible I felt, I had to have radiation every day.
My Husband Is Ruining Our Lives: A Therapy Session
G‑d knew Yosef would suffer from depression and put that into the calculations.
Letting Go of the Devastating Grief Over My Friend’s Death
Going on without the day-to-day ties to someone you love is a necessary part of letting go of the deep, searing grief and turning back to your own life
I Almost Killed Her Husband, but She Forgave Me
I walked away without a scratch. But the driver I hit wasn’t so lucky.
The Woman Who Didn't Speak for 40 Years
My Life With Dystonia
As the second half of my enchanted year of studies began, my handwriting suddenly became totally illegible for no reason that I could ascertain. My voice inexplicably became monotonic, also apparently without reason.
A Hospital Miracle and the Power of a Favor
Unlike the other people in the waiting room, my husband was attentive to the woman’s plight.
‘Let Go and Let G-d’: Realizing Life’s Purpose
I am learning that G‑d has the power to save each of us; He literally saved my life.
A Grief Therapist Faces Grief
6 Truths for When the Pain Cannot Be Contained
I wondered if all of my personal and professional work during the past 40 years could possibly sustain me and my loved ones and my beloved “students” (aka clients).
The Egypt of My Childhood
I remember the day in September of 1989 when I walked out of my home in Saratov into the unknown future.
My Son’s Journey From Chronic Illness to Exploring Life
As a witness to this journey, I saw opportunities to learn how to parent as a loving educator, practicing humility, shedding many tears and calling out “Dear G‑d, please help him find his way, and please help me help him.”
Post-Childhood Trauma, the Path to Finding My Personal G-d
My childhood ended when I was 10 years old. I left for overnight camp an innocent girl; two weeks later, I was called to the head counselor’s shack and told that I had to go home.
In Far-off China, G-d Lovingly Winked at Me
I decided to push forward and explain that I would be delighted to teach, but cannot do so on the two Saturdays in question because I am Jewish and observe the Sabbath.
How Chassidism Is Helping My Husband Through Cancer
We got the diagnosis on February 23, 2017, at 9 p.m. A new anniversary: before and after knowing your husband has cancer.
The 92-Year-Old Who Wanted to End Her Life
Ruth's son suddenly died. All those people who had known her son were not there to assuage her loneliness.
What It's Like to Ask for Help All the Time
Being afraid to go out the door or being afraid of falling was like walking through life alone.
Why Did G-d Give Me More Time to Live?
Why do I have to endure such pain and disability? For what reason had G‑d given me more time?
For a moment, I stood in frozen disbelief—and then started running with all my might. A voice inside said not to look back—to keep running. I never moved so fast, yet it felt like slow motion.
A Little Prayer for You, My Husband
“Bring your husband to the hospital,” the doctor said after I told him Adam was having trouble walking because his feet were numb.
Battling My Eating Disorder, Day by Day
I have an eating disorder.The doctors call it anorexia nervosa, but I resent being put in a box with a nice little label.
Mommy's in Heaven, and Daddy Doesn't Know How to Pick Our School Clothes
Two sisters who lost their mother had found support from a woman struck with the same disease.
Spending Shabbat in the ER
It was the most uncomfortable Shabbat I have ever experienced. What was meant to be a quick visit to the emergency room turned into a hospital admission over Shabbat, with no advance warning.
A Bumpy Way Back, but Home at Last
Maybe I turned down the wrong street. They all look alike.
Dear Estranged Family: The Ability to Forgive Never Expires
We discussed issues of intense bitterness, anger and guilt, but also forgiveness, responsibility and letting go.
Angels by Her Side
Esther Malka was born with a rare bone disease. When she was mainstreamed in first grade, her wheelchair no longer seemed like a throne; it began to irritate her.
What I Learned from My Husband's Final Illness
It was devastating to watch as the cruelty of the mental illness began to steal his independence and the identity that he had established for himself. What was it that G‑d expected from me as we became engulfed by the darkness that seemed to control our lives?
Growing Up in the Shadow of the Holocaust
I once brought a friend over for a Shabbat meal at Bubby’s house. Had I realized my friend was a picky eater, I might have chosen to bring along a different guest, or at least warn my friend of my Bubby’s background. But I realized my mistake too late.
Bubby Annie's Candelabra
I remember 13 years ago. An icy rain like death called to me from the west. I looked out the window in the darkness and shivered.
How One Small Mitzvah Turned My Life Around
Although Jessica was clear about the direction she was headed, behind the scenes G‑d was preparing a detour with a totally different destination in mind.
What Happens to the World After the Loss of a Child
My 11-year-old cousin is gone, and everything is the same … or is it?
The Holocaust Torah and the Stories It Tells...
There were lots of things I knew about Mr. Friedman, and many I didn’t. One fact I thought I understood was that he’s always been a man of ordinary means. So when I first heard about the Holocaust Torah, I thought I’d misunderstood.
My Letter to G-d
Thousands of people have committed to say extra prayers or do extra mitzvot in my husband’s honor. The world is changing for the better. There is so much goodness and beauty all around. If I can see it from my little corner, I cannot begin to imagine what it must look like to You.
On His Terms
Perhaps it was nostalgia, or me trying to recapture whatever it was that I may have lost, but I started looking through some of my writing from years ago—words and experiences from a different place, and a time when bottomless sinks of dishes and baskets of laundry, utility bills and work e‑mails were not my primary concerns...
The Fireflies
Growing up a second-generation survivor
She knew that her mother was unlike other mothers. She knew that something had happened to her, but she was never exactly sure what had happened. Her past was divided into “The War” and “Before The War,” never talking about either...
Growth Through Fear
I realized that fear can be used for growth. Here are three fears that help us instead of stopping us in our tracks . . .
Am I Rude?
How an Insult Led to Growth
“You are the most despicable, disgraceful and rude person! I think you need to change your attitude, and I wish you luck!” And then she hung up the phone...
Unblocking Ourselves
If a person has something of great value but doesn’t realize it, it is as if he does not really own it. In order to acquire something of value, it is first necessary to appreciate its true worth...
Growing from Sandy
The last few days have been a constant stream of neighbors, friends, clients, whomever, coming in for breakfast, dinner, to work ‘remotely’, or just to recharge their battery-literally and figuratively...
The Jewish Take on My Car Accident
Mayim Bialik Shares
I have written about the accident cursorily and somewhat lightly...but my religious identity has pursued me—or I it—throughout this ordeal, and I have a desire to write about some of the more complex aspects of the accident and recovery as an observant Jew...
Inspired in the Hospital
Being in the hospital can be lonely and depressing, but this 16-year-old girl took the opportunity to bring light and joy to others...