
The Jew and His Homeland

Our Land
The nations cannot understand why the Jewish people should have a land. "If it is G-d and scriptures and heaven that you are all about," they claim, "then why do you want a piece of earth?"
Three Gifts of Circumcision
Brit Milah carries the promise of three rewards: the divine presence, the land of Israel, and the royal House of David. What is the connection between these three gifts and the covenant of circumcision?
The Hebron Purchase
How much land does “400 silver shekels” buy?
Kabbalah on the Holy Land
In this class you will learn what the meaning of the "Holy Land" is and is it really relevant at all now?
Peace Upon the Land
Piece or Piece? ... History is Bunk ... Our Soldiers ... Jenin War Diary ... One People
The Land of Milk and Honey
Our dream to move to Israel is finally becoming reality. We are making aliyah next month. I know it will be challenging. Any advice?
What Does Tiberias Mean?
Why is the city on the banks of the Kinneret in northern Israel called Tiberias?
People of the Land
Shepherdology: Understanding the Jewish obsession with shepherding
Touring Israel With Kids
Climbing up Masada at dawn? Breathtaking. Placing notes between the cracks of the Kotel? Uplifting. Taking your family on a trek through the Jewish homeland? Priceless.
Why Do Jews Fly Their Dead to Israel for Burial?
The custom of burying our loved ones specifically in Israel is as old as the Jewish nation itself.
What Is So Special About the 7 Species of Fruit With Which Israel Was Blessed?
The Significance of the Shiv'at Haminim
This isn’t just a flowery verse. These seven species are specifically connected to the Land of Israel . . .
15 Jerusalem Facts Every Jew Should Know
15 fascinating facts about this enchanting city.
Why Do Jews Love Jerusalem?
Why do we focus so much attention on one place? Is G‑d’s presence not found everywhere?
Why Was Jerusalem Chosen?
How did King David know where to build the Holy Temple?
Why Is Israel Called the Land of
G-d promised to bring the Israelites to a "land flowing with milk and honey..."