
Chanukah Basics

The Chanukah story, Chanukah observances, Chanukah FAQs and the menorah lighting procedure in succinct form -- with a plethora of links that lead to the unabridged version...

13 Hanukkah Facts Every Jew Should Know
Become an expert on this widely celebrated but barely understood Jewish festival.
Hanukkah 2024 FAQ
Hanukkah is the Jewish eight-day “festival of lights,” celebrated with nightly menorah lightings, special prayers, and fried (often dairy) foods. Learn more about it here.
What Does Chanukah Actually Mean?
People love to joke about the many ways to pronounce and spell Chanukah. But what does chanukah actually mean?
What Is a Dreidel?
The dreidel, known in Hebrew as a sevivon, dates back to the time of the Greek-Syrian rule over the Holy Land—which set off the Maccabean revolt that culminated in the Chanukah miracle.
13 Chanukah (Hanukkah) Myths and Misconceptions
Who did the Maccabees fight? Did the Rabbis suppress Chanukah? Find out here!
Happy Hanukkah!
When greeting a Jewish person on Chanukah (also spelled Hanukkah), the simplest greeting is “happy Hanukkah.” This greeting works in all settings and with all Jews.
10 Latke Facts Every Jew Should Know
Why we eat them, what they are made of—everything you ever wanted to know about latkes.
Take the Dreidel Quiz
Grab some chocolate cash and test your knowlege of this beloved Chanukah activity.
What Is Zot Chanukah?
The final day of Chanukah, known as Zot Chanukah, marks the culmination of the preceding seven days.