
Essays on the Medieval Period

The Quest of Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela
Learn the untold story of the globetrotting rabbi, whose trip predated Marco Polo.
11 Facts About the Crusades and the Jews
During the Middle Ages, Christian mobs ravaged dozens of Jewish communities in Europe.
15 Facts About Rabbi Saadia Gaon
Head of the academy in Sura and prominent Jewish leader in the 10th century CE.
Who Were the Khazars?
An overview of the history and mystery of the warrior tribe whose leaders chose to adopt Judaism
Bodo-Elazar, the Dark-Ages Convert
Discover the incredible tale of Bodo, a Christian deacon who abandoned his faith to embrace Judaism.
The Mystery of Ovadiah of Oppido, the Norman Convert
A puzzling piece of papyrus leads to a startling discovery.
Rashi's Method of Biblical Commentary
Rashi's Method of Biblical Commentary, and the Rebbe's approach to Rashi's works
Rashi did not receive the Torah from G-d at Sinai, nor was he revered as a prophet. Yet 900 years after his passing, we still seek the weekly guidance and inspiration from Rashi’s commentary. What was his secret? And how has the Rebbe revolutionized the study of this ancient work?
14 Rashi Facts You Should Know
Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki was the most important commentator on Talmud and Torah of all times. Living in France and Germany, he left an indelible mark on Ashkenazi scholarship and culture.
Maimonides: His Life and Works
Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, 1135-1204 ("Rambam")
Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Talmudist, Halachist, physician, philosopher and communal leader, known in the Jewish world by the acronym "Rambam" and to the world at large as "Maimonides."
The Rosh
Rabbi Asher ben Yechiel, 1250?-1327
14 Facts About the Arizal Every Jew Should Know
How much do you know about Rabbi Isaac Luria?
Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (1534-1572), known as the Arizal, was one of the most celebrated Kabbalists of all times, whose teachings and mode of living have left an indelible mark on Jewish mysticism and practice.
Rabbeinu Avraham, Maimonides’ Almost-Forgotten Son and Successor
A staunch defender of his father and a mystic and scholar in his own right, Avraham Maimonides fused rationalism with mysticism.
18 Facts About the Cairo Geniza
Explore the treasures of this unparalleled collection of priceless texts.
The Life and Times of Rabbeinu Nissim of Gerona (c 1290 - 1376)
Commonly known by the acronym "Ran," he was the leader of Spanish Jewry in the 14th century.
Who Was Rabbeinu Bachye Ben Asher?
A 13th-century Spanish rabbi and author of a famous commentary on the Torah.