
Chumash Classes: Pinchas

In depth study of the weekly Torah portion.

Chumash Classes: Pinchas, Part 1
(Ch. 25 Verses 10-12)
Chumash Classes: Pinchas, Part 2
the reward that Pinchas would receive for his act of zealousness. It mentions the name of the prince of the tribe of Shimon and the Midianite princes that he had killed. G-d commands Moshe to harass the Midianites since they were planning a sneak attack against the Jewish nation in retaliation for the death of their princess. (Ch.25 verses 13 - 18) (Ch. 26 verses 1 - 4) G-d commands Moshe and Elazar to count the people.
Chumash Classes: Pinchas, Part 3
Moshe and Elazar the high Priest count the tribes according to families. A 'Hey' is placed at the beginning of each name and a 'Yud' at the end of each name, which alludes to G-d and a testimony to their family purity.
Chumash Classes: Pinchas, Part 4
The conclusion of the count of the twelve tribes of Israel from the age of 20 - 60. G-d tells Moshe that to these that were counted the land would be divided. The division would take place through a lottery. The chapter ends with the count to the tribe of Levi, from the age of one month. (Ch. 26 verses 38-65)
Chumash Classes: Pinchas, Part 5
This chapter deals with the righteous daughters of Tzelophehad. There are different opinions as to whom he really was. However,general consensus is that he was the '' the gatherer of the wood on the Shabbos." His daughters were requesting that Moshe give them their father's portion in the land of Israel as their inheritance, since he had no sons to inherit. Moshe gives their case over to G-d to judge. He tells Moshe that they are correct in their request and that is the law for the future. If a man has no sons then his daughters do inherit. (Ch. 27 verses 1 - 7)
Chumash Classes: Pinchas, Part 6
the incident with the daughters of Tzelopchad. It continues with Moshe giving over his position of leadership to Yehoshua. He did so while he was still alive so that they would accept Yehoshua as their new leader. G-d told Moshe to place one of his hands on Yehoshua's head, but he placed both his hands as a sign of benevolence. He warned him to always lead the people and not have them lead him. (Ch. 27 verses 8 - 23)
Chumash Classes: Pinchas, Part 7
This chapter discusses the continual daily sacrifice, korban Tamid. The first sacrifice of the morning and the last sacrifice of the afternoon were the Korban Tamid. (Ch. 28 verses 1 - 8)
Chumash Classes: Pinchas, Part 8
This portion lists the sacrifices that were brought in the Temple on Shabbat. The next section deals with sacrifices that were brought in the Temple on Rosh Chodesh. (Ch. 28 verses 9 - 15)
Chumash Classes: Pinchas, Part 9
Passover and its' sacrifices. It then goes on to describe Shavuos and its sacrifices. (Ch. 28 verses 16 - 31)
Chumash Classes: Pinchas, Part 10
The chapter begins with the sacrifices brought on Rosh Hashanah. The chapter continues with Yom Kippur, then it discusses Succoth, and finishes with Shemini Atzeras. (Ch. 29 verses 1 - 39) (Ch. 30 verse 1) ends the portion with the words that " Moshe said to the Children of Israel according to all that G-d had commanded Moshe."