
This year Purim falls on Friday. When do I give mishloach manot and the gifts to the poor, and when do I schedule the Purim feast?


Purim on Friday is a fairly unusual occurrence, and requires some planning in order to fulfill all the mitzvot in their proper time, and still be ready for Shabbat on time. The Megillah is read Thursday night and Friday morning, and mishloach manot (food gifts) and matanot laevyonim (charity) are both given during the daylight hours of Friday.

The real question is when to hold the festive Purim meal. Ideally we do not eat a full meal in close proximity to Shabbat, to ensure that we approach the Shabbat table with a hardy appetite.1 The best solution is to have the Purim meal on Friday morning, before midday. If this is not an option, try to schedule the meal as early in the afternoon as possible.

There is another option employed by some on Friday Purims. They start their Purim meal before nightfall and continue into the night—combining the Purim meal with the Shabbat meal. If this option strikes your fancy, speak to your rabbi. He will let you know whether it is advisable in your situation, and if yes, he will tell you how it is done (how and when to make the kiddush, eat the challah, etc.).

Tip: Have your Shabbat cooking finished by Thursday night so that your Purim won't be one mad rush!

Malkie Janowski for