
Israel’s Frontline Soldiers Take Part in Purim Festivities

March 23, 2008
Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries and rabbinical students across Israel set out to army outposts last Thursday night and Friday to bring some Purim happiness to frontline soldiers serving in the Israeli Defense Force. Riding in special “synagogues on wheels,” they gave army personnel the opportunity to hear the Scroll of Esther being read, as well as participate in the mitzvah of giving charity to the poor.
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A Chabad-Lubavitch “synagogue on wheels” from the Israeli city of Hebron arrives at an IDF outpost to bring some Purim happiness to Israel’s frontline soldiers.
A Chabad-Lubavitch “synagogue on wheels” from the Israeli city of Hebron arrives at an IDF outpost to bring some Purim happiness to Israel’s frontline soldiers.

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