
German Border Town Gets First Torah Since World War II

March 25, 2008
The Jewish community of Frankfurt Oder, a city in Brandenburg, Germany, celebrated its first Torah dedication since the Holocaust. The procession of the new Torah scroll began from the very spot where the city’s Frankfurter Synagogue stood prior to World War II, just 500 meters from Germany’s border with Poland. Celebrants marched the scroll into the city’s Chabad-Lubavitch center, where they danced with the Torah that was donated by members of the Chabad-Lubavitch community in Berlin. It was dedicated to Charlotte Rohr, the matriarch of the philanthropic Rohr family whose generosity continues to support Jewish activities in Berlin and Frankfurt Oder.
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A member of Berlin’s Jewish community dances with the new Torah scroll at the city’s Rohr Chabad Center before sending it off to Frankfurt Oder.
A member of Berlin’s Jewish community dances with the new Torah scroll at the city’s Rohr Chabad Center before sending it off to Frankfurt Oder.

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