Passover Seders in Thailand: Safe and Secure
April 22, 2008
More than 2,000 people, mostly Israeli tourists, joined Chabad-Lubavitch of Thailand for Passover this year. Rabbi Yosef Kantor, of the network of Thailand Chabad Houses, reports that although logistical difficulties in preparing for a holiday that began right after Shabbat, as well as security concerns, made planning hectic, the celebrations went off without a hitch. “The spirit of the groups was extraordinary, as was the food.” says Kantor. “Thank G-d, all the Seders were safe and secure, as well as inspiring.” All told, some 510 people attended Passover celebrations in Bangkok, 250 in Chiang Mai, 400 in Koh Samui, 300 in Phuket, 500 in Koh Pangang and 96 in Pattaya.

A Chabad-Lubavitch rabbinical student koshers a pot in Phuket, Thailand, in preparation for Passover.
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