
Alaskans Get an Early Summer Camp Experience

June 18, 2008
Summer camp season began early in Anchorage, where Camp Gan Israel run by the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish Center of Alaska opened its doors on May 26. The day camp for everyone from kindergartners through teenagers took its campers horseback riding, fishing, rafting, hiking, bike riding and swimming. Owing to its position in the far northern latitudes, the locale has just a few short weeks of sunny weather each summer. (Photos: Lisa J. Seifert)
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A concluding fun day began with laying tefillin for the post-bar mitzvah boys, who prayed the morning service with Rabbi Yosef Greenberg, director of the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish Center of Alaska.
A concluding fun day began with laying tefillin for the post-bar mitzvah boys, who prayed the morning service with Rabbi Yosef Greenberg, director of the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish Center of Alaska.

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