
In the Media

The Early Days of
An interview with Charles Rawls
Charles Rawls, co-founder of the Dorsai Embassy, talks about the early days of the World Wide Web, his involvement in the launching of, and some of his personal experiences with Rabbi Yosef Y. Kazen and his work with some twenty years ago.
Cyber Rabbi
Video | 1:34
Cyber Rabbi
Good Morning America - July 18, 1997
One of the most popular religious sites today, with tens of thousands of visitors.
The Daily News - December 22, 1996
"The Internet will be able to unify the entire world to understand godliness," said Rabbi Yosef Kazen, a Brooklynite who labors on the site Chabad-Lubavitch in Cyberspace.
The Cleveland Jewish News - May 16, 1997
Rabbi Yosef Kazen talks about Chabad's venture in Cyberspace.
24 Hours in Cyberspace
"Theh Internet transmits the beuty, depth, awareness and joy of a Torah-true way of life."
Newsday - February 09, 1996
Downstairs in the synagogue, elderly women prayed with eyes closed. But upstairs, in a room filled with high-tech gadgets, Rabbi Yosef Y. Kazen gazed into his computer screen.
USA Today - January 2, 1997
First it was a Web site, then a beautiful coffee-table book; now 24 Hours in Cyberspace is an interactive photo exhibition at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History. Among others are Rabbi Yosef Kazen of New York, who created a Web site with extensive Orthodox Jewish resources...
ABC News - July 18, 1997
“I find this to be the best thing for religion,” Kazen says. “Our basic objective is to take 3,000 years of Jewish history, and make it available to people.”
USA Today - September 30, 1997
"There's a concept of good and light in the world, and (the Internet) can be the means toward that end."
New York Times - December 13, 1998
Yosef Y. Kazen, a Hasidic rabbi who pioneered the use of the Internet as a powerful recruiting and educational tool for the Lubavitch movement, died Dec. 1 at New York Hospital. He was 44 and lived in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
JTA - December 11, 1998
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Kazen, a pioneer of Jewish education on the Internet and director of Chabad's cyberspace effort.