First Person
Jane Davis
I was privileged to spend time with him in the hospital. Of course, being Sukkot, he put me to work. Every person who passed by I was instructed to bring into his room. He rejoiced in everyone participating in the rituals of Sukkot.
A few times I received a surprise email asking how I was doing since he hadn't heard from me in a while. Little me, one young woman amongst, no doubt, thousands. And yet, he remembered me...
Liba Shaffer-Goldman
He also showed me statistics: how many people he had been in contact with. It was incredible to see the amount of people and countries represented and how those numbers continued to grow and swell...
Mabel Kopp
He stressed that with the instant communication of the internet, prophesies are now being fulfilled. YY believed that the Era of the Moshiach is at hand...
Evan Leepson
The set-up looked like some kind of weird science experiment. Old computers stacked up against the walls, electrical wires hanging from the ceiling, and there was YY sitting at a monitor typing some mysterious code...
Short fond memories about YY Kazen submitted by Chabad.org readers who interacted with him.
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- Internet (57)
- Kazen, Y.Y. (14)