

My Husband Has a Temper!
At first, the outbursts were mild and far apart. Even now there are stretches where we get along quite well, until something provokes him and he explodes.
Dealing With Past Baggage
How do I deal with all the baggage of my past lives? Okay, so now I'm (struggling to be) a kosher Jew, but all the thoughts of the past keep coming back.
Aren't We Being Nudniks on Yom Kippur?
We already petitioned G‑d on Rosh Hashanah. Why are we going through the whole exercise all over again on Yom Kippur? Doesn’t G‑d get a little annoyed at the repeat performance?
How to Let Go of a Grudge
Best Friend's Wedding on Yom Kippur
I have a big dilemma. One of my best friends that I've known for 10 years is getting married on Yom Kippur. He's not Jewish and I know he did this with only good intentions, but it's too late to change anything.
Keeping Out of Unethical Business
I found out that my business partner is planning on doing something that is possibly illegal, but in a way that avoids creating any liability for himself. Am I allowed to continue the partnership?
I am the mother of a murdered daughter who has written a book as a dedication, memoir and hopefully, work of inspiration...With time, I began to feel a sort of forgiveness toward the killer. Not for his horrid crime, but for his flawed humanity. I wanted to keep hating him, but I could not.
How to Beat Addiction
Plug in and power up
What does the Torah teach about drug addiction and breaking free from it? For instance: Why does man beg G-d for help, yet still remain in addiction? It is as if religions are powerless to defeat the monster of addiction. Can you give me some insight?
How Do I Know I'm Forgiven?
How do I know that G‑d has forgiven me? How do I forgive myself?
What's the Jewish Take on Lust?
I was raised Christian, and know how the church feels about it. I’m just wondering where Judaism stands on the issue.
A short note on the power of love
Marriage vs. Mother
She is perfect for me in all aspects. Problem is, I feel like she is not too open to moving . . .