
Essays on Prayer

Prayer Towards Jerusalem
Transcending the Limitations of Infinity
why does one engaged in prayer need to face a particular latitude and longitude in this physical world?
The Cosmology of Prayer
The physical realm as the "shadow" of the spiritual; the mitzvot as physical "symbols" that manipulate spiritual realities; matter as thye most compact form of energy; prayer as the language of the soul and the minyan as the "critical mass" that unleashes its power
Prayer: Obligation or Inspiration
It is dawn in Jerusalem. The light is clear. A bent woman lays her head upon the stones; the men are draped in a sea of undulating black and white prayer shawls. The morning service has begun.
Divine Service Through Mind and Heart
Where the mind and heart converge
A Glass of Milk
How are we to reconcile the loftiness of Rosh Hashanah with the mundane subject of a significant part of its prayers? Chanah's prayer offers the response to this profound question.
A Day in the Life of a Jew
The day has 12 hours; the Jewish day has the 12 sons of Jacob
Eyes to Earth, Heart to Heaven
Where is your heart? Where are your eyes? There are three approaches, each having implications in many realms, including a general view about life and even macroeconomic vision
Contemplative Prayer in 20th Century Chabad
The emphasis of early Chabad Chasidism on contemplative prayer is well known. But what about the 20th century?
Changing G-d's Mind
It was precisely the inconceivably audacious nature of Hannah’s prayer that placed it at the center of the Jewish definition of prayer.
The Blessing in Being Apart
How prayer unifies us