
Creating Healthy Self-Esteem

Seeing the World Through the Child’s Eyes

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Creating Healthy Self-Esteem : Seeing the World Through the Child’s Eyes

Good self-esteem and a balanced perception of self are critical for healthy living.
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Self Esteem; Self Confidence

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MIRIAM SERNA November 21, 2022

Thank you
Thank you Rabbi Twerski and team for the video. Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn March 1, 2018

Twerski always hits so close to home. Reply

Laura Toronto August 9, 2017

here are some issues can lead to physical ailments. Stress and even low self-esteem are just 2 examples. Bi-polarism and schizophrenia are only treatable through medication. Reply

Zohar benDavid September 27, 2016

Very helpful and impressive wisdom. B'H for your wisdom Rabbi! Reply

Anonymous Philadelphia, PA March 25, 2012

Creating Self-Esteem The Rabbi firstly states bi-polarism and schizophrenia are physically induced conditions. As a bi-polar, recently diagnosed as chronic depressive, I need to disagree with the totality of this statement. It limits the bi-polar person from trying, with the aid of G-d, to try, as well as the "normal" neurotic, to achieve self-esteem and suceed "to an extent". The physicality of the illness DOES give many limitations to the manic-depressive. It does not limit his or her being limited in requirements to Hashem. It is in this actualization, through the growth of years, that a manic-depressive (along with medication and psychiatric therapy) can obey halacha and daven and be as spiritual (or even more so) than other people. Through worship of G-d, even the manic-depressive, can grow in Self Esteem. (I am not a psychiatrist; I am the patient!) Reply

Bernadette Perle Denver, Co September 16, 2011

Thank you Thank you for taking the time to share. G-d bless you. Reply

Anonymous Roanoke, VA May 9, 2011

Where to buy? I am trying to find a copy of your book, "Ten Steps to Being Your Best." Unfortunately, everybody has it out of stock. Is it out of print? If so, do you have an electronic version I can buy from you?

I am in that category of people you refer to who is exceptionally intelligent and gifted in a wide variety of disciplines but who nevertheless irrationally feels inadequate all the time. I would really like to give your book a try. Thanks. Reply

Shaul Nemtzov July 1, 2010

ANSWER to QUESTION Within your first paragraph, you have answered your own question. Is there evil in the world? And you've answered, yes. But it is all for our benefit.

It is potential in it's raw state so it APEARS horrific and terible. While in truth we need only dismiss its form of presentation, and expose the purpose and meaning of the life it really possesses.

An analogy for this would be...nuts! Or coconuts. They apear to be dead, with no internal life. However, when we break through it's shell, either with our own hands and strenght, or with a tool.* Then we have removed death and revealed the life that was always there.

As opposed to feeling intimidated and beat down by this false inhibition to advance ourselves to our own maximum heights.

Our true might, by far exceeds our challenges. We need only prove it. Reply

Anonymous Honolulu, HI May 27, 2010

Question Dear Rabbi Dr. Twerski,

Should we consider the low self-esteem you describe to be something inherently evil; and, therefore not an attribute formed within us intentionally by our Creator? Or should we understand this seemingly undesirable malady to be of divine purpose, somehow spiritually beneficial?

The reason I ask is because someone I loved suffered from low self-esteem. She sincerely felt that she couldn't do anything right. I believe her opinion of herself contributed to her untimely and tragic death. On the other hand, I believe it may have been a major reason why she was always striving to be a better person - including converting to Judaism.

Trying to change this person's opinion of herself would be like trying to move the Rock of Gibraltar. Her low opinion of herself was set in stone. It was as if G-d made her that way.

Thank you for your thought provoking lecture. Reply

Pinchas Eliyahu Calafiura, MD Shanghai, CHina May 2, 2010

Refreshing Insights As a psychiatrist in Shanghai, China and dealing with people from all over the world and from every walk of life, I appreciate Rabbi Twerski's helpful and refreshing insights into human nature.
I have read some of his books but this was the first video I ever saw of this giant. Reply

Anonymous PA, USA April 27, 2010

Self Esteem This made me 'see' quite a bit.
I'm older now, but it's never too late!
Thank You Reb Twerski..this was helpful! Reply

Binah Bindell Albnay, NY February 22, 2010

creating self esteem Very good. I especially liked the last part and thought it was very beneficial. Thank you.. Reply

Jack Baret Mississauga, Country January 31, 2010

Self-Esteem Mr. Twerski is a breath of fresh air in a civilization that has advanced but hasn't felt good about its achievements. He makes us feel good for the right reasons and removed the fear and anxiety associated with feeling guilty about our talents. We should never feel ashamed at what we are good at but at the same time empathize with others to learn about what they need to make them happy as well. Reply

Anonymous lincoln January 6, 2010

self esteem The trouble with self esteem is that you can have very high self esteem and feel great but be doing crazy or outrageous things, so it is not just about feeling good is it. That terrible man hitler was full of self esteem and very clever but emotionally bankrupt. how do we deal with this fact. Reply

Rob Brooklyn, NY January 4, 2010

Self-esteem and the accountable life This is highly influenced by the works of Nathaniel Branden. Great stuff. Reply

Roger Steele Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada January 3, 2010

Self esteem In a word AWESOME! Thank you. Reply

A Twerski fan ;-) Melbourne, Australia January 1, 2010

Rabbi Twerski, just amazing! 10/10 Just a comment,
I think another part of building self Esteem is when one is faced with a issue (or any uncomfortable situation), not to turn away and "hope" that things will resolve by themselves but rather to actually dealing with them! and MAKE those issues get better by dealling with the real reality in a positive upbeat way! Reply

sandy sarasota, fl January 1, 2010

...through a childs eyes Comprehensive and insightful. Masterfully presented. Thank you Rabbi for sharing of your wealth of knowledge. Reply

Mel Port Shepstone, SA January 1, 2010

Re: Creating Healthy Self-Esteem Thank you Rabbi Dr. Twerski. Reply

Leov Laredo, Texas December 31, 2009

Self Esteem on a hostile environment Brilliant Rabbi Dr., thank you for the excellent advice.

What better way to confront this unkind environment we are facing than with a high self-esteem? Reply

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