It is my firm belief that the sun revolves around the earth, as I have also declared publicly on various occasions and in discussion with professors specializing in this field of science.
Is there a convincing proof for the existence of the Creator that could satisfy us as skeptics beyond the faintest shadow of a doubt?
It isn’t a question of logical proof since the facts, the actual events and occurrences, relay a clear and undeniable testimony. . .
The conclusions as to the age of the universe reached by various fields within science contradict each other. Scientific researchers were forced to contrive all kinds of ad hoc rationales to explain away these contradictions. . .
I take it for granted that you will keep your commitments with regard to the practical aspects of your letter. . .
Persons who felt impelled to interpret certain passages in the Torah differently from the time honored traditional interpretation, did so only in the mistaken belief that the Torah view was at variance with science…