Letter & Spirit - Personal and Public Correspondence of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

The Youth

The importance of children’s education from the earliest stages of their development has become unanimously agreed upon. Their early Jewish education is of no less importance.
Pay Attention to Your Children
As when planting seeds to grow a tree, precision and care must be taken when educating even the youngest child. If the seed and the little tree are properly nurtured, we can be sure to later reap the benefits of good fruit.
A Story with a Lesson
When he was engaged in study or prayer, he did not hear or see a thing around him.
Creating a Children's
Chabad’s children’s organization is called Tzivos Hashem, “Army of G‑d.” Isn’t this glorifying militarism and war?
A letter to a newly established synagogue in suburban New York
This is an area where girls can spread the idea more easily among their friends, and accomplish more even than grownups. I trust that you have been very active in this direction, as well as your friends.