
Kosher - A Diet for the Soul

Jewish Essentials - Part 3

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Kosher - A Diet for the Soul: Jewish Essentials - Part 3

Learn the basic principles for the Jew’s diet of kosher and whet your palette with its significance and meaning. This class is the third of a six-part lecture series titled ‘The Essentials,’ which introduces the foundations of Jewish life and living.
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Chaya Semple Montana, USA January 2, 2025

As one who follows a plant based diet, this course was informative and affirming. Thank you! Reply

Sarah Zapata Dominican Republic December 26, 2024

Thanks a lot for teaching us this course. I feel more confident about
Eating kosher. I learned very important issues i
Related to kosher food. B"H. Reply

Cynthia Diez March 27, 2024

Thank you everyone for sharing. I am Jewish, my mother is Jewish. But I was not brought up as a Jew. I celebrated Holy holidays and Christmas, Easter. I had Jewish friends but I was never taught Jew Law, customs, etc. I am excited about learning more ea. day. My distant family lives far from me. But we connect. It is Gods Blessing. Reply

T. A. Weber Phoenix, AZ January 5, 2024

Thank you, this is wonderful. Reply

Anthony Lord East Sussex December 3, 2023

I have been trying to remember when I was young and Had Salt Beef at Phil Rabins
what was the Beetroot called? Was it Khrine? Reply

Yvonne Texas January 29, 2020

As a child I suffered tremendously with migraines but by accident my mom found a kosher diet made me feel better. When I was an adult we found out we are Jewish we had no idea! I have found kosher is the way to go!

Thank for the lessons, they are helping me to learn about a culture I never knew I was a part of! Reply

Lesley California September 29, 2019

Is cow liver blood? Reply

Carole Hangtown July 20, 2017

Love Your Heart to Know HIM So grateful for the spiritual lesson on Kosher. I'm reading about koshered chicken livers. Sounds complicated for a Gentile to try wirh broiling them as the blood streams out as you turn them🤔. Hope to find some help tomorrow through one of our Jewish friends-the L_RD willing.
Loved the connection with G_D but wished for some passages to refer to. You may have done that later.
Thank you for your heart of study and discovery. AND for finding HIM in your Kosher laws. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear your other lessons.
Please never stop teaching🤗😊. Reply

Esther Herat Newfoundland, Canada July 3, 2017

Choice of opting for Kosher Rabbi Shlomo thank you. Thank you for more than this teaching - I am yearning to be fully kosher and you have helped me understand that so much more. Reply

Neil Hanson Lincoln June 12, 2017

Rabbi Shlomo Bistritzky has got to be the greatest teacher in Judaism. I thought one hour was too long a video to watch but i found that I never looked at the clock to see how much longer before it would be over. Very inspirational and I learned a lot. Thank you so much, I will be watching more of his videos. Reply

Kate Australia April 28, 2016

The more I understand Kosher, the more I understand why we were given those rules. As an epidemiologist and public health officer - things G-d told us to do or not to do we are just now starting to understand with science. Such as the prevalence of zoonotic diseases (ie transfers from animals to humans) is highest in pigs, partly because of their genetic structure, mostly because they roll around in mud and faeces all day.... It is virtually impossible for pigs to be completely free of disease, so it wouldn't pass the kosher examination anyway. Once slaughtered, pig parts spoil faster than any other meat. Mitzvahs about family planning and permissible relationships we now understand to be scientific best practice in genetics and sexual and reproductive health. G-d is amazing!! Reply

Jongulon Sellers Cedar Rapids Iowa January 29, 2015

From a Gentile's perspective... Loved this!
Very powerful truth and so easy to understand. I understood kosher definition but never heard such a good teaching on the spiritual significance!
Thank you! This was food for my understanding! Reply

Stella H Howell UK April 28, 2014

Everything is linked - all is connected Though grafting etc might not be permitted. Deliberately poisoned crop, as mentioned in my earlier comment, is transmitted in the air etc. one to another. Even if heirloom crop is grown under cover, it will still become contaminated.
We speak of crop in isolation, as if it is not linked to other poisons sprayed on all life causing pandemics.
Soon this will make sense, when there is no food to feed ones body.
Only observation of Yahweh's Law will save mankind.
Man gets what he deserves.
Namaste! Peace be with you.
i Reply

Shaul Wolf April 26, 2014

Re: Anonymous Fruits and vegetables in Israel, or those imported from Israel, need a Kosher certification. Produce that grows in the land of Israel has tithes that in the temple times were to be given to Priests and Levites, and need to be set aside nowadays as well.
Grafting is not permitted to be done by a Jew, and different vegetables should be separated one from another to avoid them growing together. Reply

Stella March 27, 2014

in response to Anonymous With the tremendous speed of Genetically Engineered, Transgenic, Genomic produce whereby the gene/DNA from reptile, rodent, mammal, bird, fish, insect, pig, virus, bacteria or other is inserted into the crop at DNA level, Fruit is not Fruit any longer.
Fruit is not Heirloom produce as created by Father, the Almighty Creator with Nutrition.
Fruit is poison.
Vegetables are poison such as carrots, cabbage.
The iron content has meticulously been removed from most fruit and vegetable.
This is what is causing 'Sump' holes in Mother Earth.
Peace to you! Reply

Anonymous March 24, 2014

Do any fruits or vegetables from Israel need kosher supervision?

Is there an issue with grafting?

Do fields next to each other with different foods, pose any kosher issues? Reply

Deb Western Australia November 27, 2013

Amazingly put Rabbi, thank you. I am a very non kosher Jew that loves BLT's and so many other things off the kosher list. I always thought it was old fashioned for health reasons back in the day G-d instructed us on kosher.
After listening to your talk I now understand why kosher is identity. That story about the Yiddish Rabbi brought tears to my eyes, it was beautiful.
I am now going to take on the challenge and bit by bit get to a kosher kitchen.
Thank you again. Reply

Igerne France March 9, 2012

Thank you Rabbi It was an extremely interesting lecture! I loved your conclusion for it illustrated very well the most precious benefit of kashrus : keeping our jewish identity. Reply

Tanya PG August 28, 2010

Kosher Thank you Rabbi. Your lecture was a joy to listen to and very inspiring. Reply

Mr. Hal Zoock August 9, 2010

Kosher - Diet for your Soul Thank you very much Rabbi. I enjoyed listening to you. I am on the path to becoming more observant in my Kosher observance. Reply