As promised, here is an article by Dan Patir, a high-ranking advisor to Israeli politicians, describing Israeli President Zalman Shazar's fist visit to the Rebbe after being elected to the presidency: The Israeli President Visits the Rebbe.

Yitzchak Yehudah Holtzman listens as Dan Patir describes his visits at Lubavitch World Headquaters. (Photo: Kfar Chabad Magazine)
Read here a previous article I wrote about Shazar's last visit with the Rebbe, in 1973: Former Israeli President Joins Chassidic Gathering.
I have previously written about the relationship between Yitzchak Rabin and the Rebbe and Chabad. Click here to read.
Patir relates that Rabin, an intensely private person, related little about the contents of his audience; though he did tell Patir that "the audience strengthened me in my mission."