
Hitting Bottom, Finding G‑d

A Jewish Perspective on Addiction and Recovery

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Hitting Bottom, Finding G‑d: A Jewish Perspective on Addiction and Recovery

A general introduction to the spiritual nature of the problem of addiction and its treatment.
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Addiction & Recovery

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Disapointed February 18, 2020

I've listened to a number of your lectures and always come away lacking something. I think you miss what is probably the most important piece of the success of the twelve step movements, that being the unparalleled therapeutic value of one addict talking to another. I would find your lectures much more valuable if you shared from your own experience of emotional turmoil, if you have any.. Reply

Toni March 5, 2016

Rabbi I believe I have watched every video and audio you have made. And read your book. I need more…
Toni Reply

Paul Bourgeois March 8, 2015

"To live - to be alive - is inherently a good thing." I had to write that down. You know, the 12 step program sounds like a good way to live, addiction or not. Reply

Anonymous Albuquerque, NM November 23, 2014

Richly Blessed! Dear Rabbi Taub,

Thank you for your teaching on addictions. I am a recovering alcoholic living a sober life which I often find myself isolating. I appreciate what you shared about ego that makes us feel separate from God, other's and ultimately from ourselves. Also mentioned was "ego state" which makes us separate obstacles to overcome in life. Your teaching has blessed me with much to ponder. I am encouraged and refreshed to say the least! I thank you so much!


Rich Aryeh Leib Oizer Ambrose Toronto July 27, 2014

Thank You! thank you for your insight. this is exactly what i needed to hear. Reply

rachel Cape Town, RSA, south africa via November 13, 2013

Addictions I believe, the soul cries out to be fed and if ignored, it can/will lead to some form of addiction. Our bodies need food, our minds need to be fed too through Torah study, so do our souls need to be nourished through connecting with G-D. Reply

michael redbourn Arad, Israel July 21, 2012

Hitting Bottom, Finding G‑d Truly fascinating talk and I was amazed by the connection with Jung. Reply

Anonymous wernersville, pa July 20, 2012

thank you this speaks to my soul. thank you. Reply

Anonymous July 16, 2012

By the Way of HaShem i do not need the world at my front door ,what i do need is the love of my Creator the presents of my future family as a mitzvah and to serve Hashem when commanded.He has said unto me the choice is free but the land it my choose what I have commanded! and you my inherit booth freewill and the land. A convert i may be,last in line i may be,unlearned i may be.One that walks away from His Creator is not what i will be. Reply

Ms. Tess Smith July 16, 2012

Fantastic lecture This lecture resonated with me, as someone in recovery and as a Jewish convert. Reply

Rabbi Shais Taub April 23, 2012

re: re Jung quote In my book, it's on pages 13-19. Reply

Anonymous Salford April 23, 2012

re Jung quote Thank you Rabbi.
Could you please give the page number in your book?
thanks Reply

Shais Taub Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania April 19, 2012

Jung quote I am not sure which quote you mean.
The general story is related in the book Alcoholics Anonymous on p. 26. The letter from Jung to Bill Wilson appears in facsimile in my book, G-d of Our Understanding. Reply

Anonymous Salford April 19, 2012

Dear Rabbi Could you please provide the source for that quote [or episode] from Carl Jung?
Thank you. Reply

Andrew Brin Los Angeles, CA February 14, 2012

what you left out..... from the book, Alcoholics Anonymous:

"But we are sure that our bodies were sickened as well. In our belief, any picture of the alcoholic which leaves out this physical factor is incomplete." (pg. xxvi)

Because our solution is worked out on the spiritual plane it is easy, and tempting, for the more religious among us, to forget that alcoholism / addiction is also, and AS IMPORTANTLY, a physical malady.

Without this part there will come a time in every alcoholics life when they will believe that they may again safely take a drink. Without this knowledge of the physical aspect they will feel so humble before G-d they may feel they MUST take a drink from the seder cup. They will believe that the spirituality that saved them will also protect them from the devotional wine.

It will not.

As is also said in 12 step recovery rooms everywhere: "All religions send their alcoholics to us". Reply

Anonymous Emek Hefer, Israel January 25, 2012

Hitting Bottom I would be happy sharing this online, though I am not a "frequent flyer" and not much of an email communicator. As for the little harts I mentioned, though, I would like to communicate privately. Emek Hefer's a small place.
Thank you. Yasher Koach! Reply

Anonymous Albuquerque January 22, 2012

Thank you Rabbi Taub for your wonderful presentations on this site. I feel this explanation of my alcoholism makes more sense than anything else I have ever heard and rings very true for me. I am now sober for only 7 months, but I am looking forward to continuing on this path and continuing to come to know the G-d of my understanding. I am a Jew by choice, raised without religion, so the G-d of Our Fathers has mostly seemed like a ritual phrase. I now have hope for so much more. Reply

Rabbi Shais Taub January 19, 2012

To Anonymous in Emek Hefer Do you want to discuss this on this forum so that others can be helped? Or do you want to ask for a private answer? If the latter, please contact me through the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page. Reply

Anonymous Emek Hefer, Israe4l January 17, 2012

Hitting Bottom Shalom, Rabbi Taub
This hart is about to leave the brook. Is there any help? I'm trying to lachzor b'tshuva here in Israel. It's almost too hard, but there are a few little harts who are counting on me, perhaps, to be strong. Is there any help? Reply

Rabbi Shais Taub October 17, 2011

Ben Noach Usually the questions I get are posed the other way around. Jews are asking me if recovery will work for them because they assume that it is "non-Jewish." Now you as a non-Jew are asking if recovery will work for you because you are assuming that it is "Jewish"!

Recovery is about living in harmony with G-d's will for you. Everyone can do that. Go ahead and enjoy the resources you find on this site.

The most important thing is that when you are completely ready to say goodbye to your addiction, you should seek out a sponsor from the appropriate 12-Step group who will take you through the process of recovery. Reply

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