
Even-Yisrael: Stone of Israel


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Even-Yisrael: Stone of Israel: Collage

Rabbi Adin Even-Yisrael Steinsaltz visits the Rebbe Perhaps you should change your Yiddish family name, ‘Steinsaltz’, to a Hebrew one. The Hebrew form of ‘Steinsaltz’ would be “Even-Melach.’ But it’s up to you and your wife to do as you see fit.”
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Even-Yisrael: Stone of Israel
Disc 81, Program 323

Living Torah

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Even Tzur Y-m February 10, 2022

Can anyone share any additional insight into may why the Rebbe suggested to R. Steinsaltz to Hebraicize his surname? A worthy act for sure, but he does not seem to have suggested this broadly to others. Looking for guidance on this matter. a dank Reply

Eliezer Zalmanov for February 15, 2022
in response to Even Tzur:

It seems that the Rebbe believed he would have more influence on Israeli society with an Hebraicized name. Reply

Zalman Szmerling East St Kilda August 16, 2020

Please let me know if you know when this video of asking Rabbi Shteinzaltz to change his name was? Reply

Eliezer Zalmanov for August 17, 2020
in response to Zalman Szmerling:

9 Shevat 5750 (February 4 1990). Reply