
Wisdom from the Rebbe

Learning from the Rebbe’s Talks

In each episode of this series, host, Michael Kigel, a panel of young students and a "special guest expert" discuss a clip of the Rebbe's public talks. Produced by Chabad of Toronto as "Messages -- Season 4."

Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 2
The Torah uses the metaphor that the Jewish people left Egypt "on eagles' wings" to emphasize the speed in which G-d took them out of Egypt. How important is a sense of urgency in our service of G-d? Guest Expert: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 2)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 3
The sun and the moon as symbols for innovation and tradition. Should Judaism adapt with the times or resist the changes of modernity? Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 3)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 4
The Torah reading for Rosh HaShanah describes two great women -- Sarah and Hannah -- and their intense determination to become mothers. Guest Expert: Rivkah Slonim. (From "Messages" -- Season 4, Episode 4)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 5
King Solomon says that a righteous person will "fall seven times and get back up." Why must we suffer a setback before we forge ahead? Guest Expert: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan. (From "Messages" -- Season 4, Episode 5)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 6
The story of a sage assisted by angels in lifting a boulder leads to a discussion of how much can really be accomplished if one only makes a sincere effort. Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From "Messages" -- Season 4, Episode 6)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 7
True peace is apparent only between people who have opposite perspectives and still manage to live in harmony with each other. Guest Expert: Chana Weisberg. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 7)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 8
The purpose of creation is fulfilled by our making use of our bodies and the physical world around us to do G‑d’s will. Guest Expert: Rivkah Slonim. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 8)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 9
On the ark, Noah lived in a utopian state of harmony with his family and all the animals on board—so much so that G‑d had to force him to leave after the Flood was over. What is the parallel in our own lives? Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 9)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 11
What is the proper interpretation of the U.S. Constitution's Establishment Clause of the First Amendment? Did the founding fathers intend on creating a strict "separation of church and state"? Guest Expert: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 11)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 12
The first stage of the Jewish people's Exile was when the rabbis were sent away, but the "final straw" was when the children stopped studying. Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 12)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 14
The Talmud says that R' Shimon ben Yochai's "Torah study was his profession"? What does it mean to make Torah study your main occupation. Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 14)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 15
The Talmud says that R' Shimon ben Yochai's "Torah study was his profession"? What does it mean to make Torah study your main occupation. Guest Expert: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 15)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 16
What is the role of the Jewish mother in raising and educating her children? How does this differ from the role of the father? Guest Expert: Chana Weisberg. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 16)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 18
Upon completing the building of the Sanctuary in the desert, everyone was able to behold G-d's presence with their physical eyes. When Moshiach comes, G-d will be seen everywhere by everyone. What does it mean to see G-d and why can't we see him all the time? Guest Expert: Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 18)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 19
How does one find the perfect balance between perfecting oneself and perfecting the world? Guest Expert: Rabbi Tzvi Freeman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 19)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 20
In the wake of the 1982 Lebanon War, the Rebbe speaks about the foolish and dangerous stance of making concessions in the hopes of winning favor in the eyes of other nations. Guest Expert: Rabbi Moshe Spalter. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 20)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 21
The greatness of a perfectly righteous tzaddik is not fully evident while he is still alive and his students can behold his physical presence. It is only after the passing of such a leader that we can know what effect he had on those who follow his ways. Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 21)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 23
When there is discord between Jews, it is only because they fail to understand the true nature of their relationship with one another. When Jews understand that they are truly one, then all problems will automatically become resolved on their own. Guest Expert: Rivka Slonim. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 23)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 24
If G-d wants us to serve him, why does he present us with obstacles that make it difficult to do so? Guest Expert: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 24)
Learning from the Rebbe: Episode 25
What is the purpose of the Ten Days of Repentance? Is it a time of solemn introspection or a time of rejoicing? Guest Expert: Rabbi Manis Friedman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 25)
Learning from the Rebbe
How is it possible that the best year's of our forefather Jacob's life were spent in Egypt and not in the Holy Land? What does this teach us about the purpose of the soul's descent into the body? Guest Expert: Rabbi Tzvi Freeman. (From “Messages”—Season 4, Episode 26)
In each episode of this series, host, Michael Kigel, a panel of young students and a "special guest expert" discuss a clip of the Rebbe's public talks. Produced by Chabad of Toronto as "Messages -- Season 4."