
The Agony and Ecstasy of Jewish Sovereignty

Has the State of Israel been a success?

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The Agony and Ecstasy of Jewish Sovereignty: Has the State of Israel been a success?

A critical analysis of Israeli statehood, Jewish identity and Middle East politics since 1948.
Israel Defense Force, War of Independence, Zionism, Israel

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Meir Sussman Vancouver, BC March 24, 2019

That was a really nice lecture, and I feel amazing to have heard it. You mentioned a quote from the talmud, and I was just wondering if you could tell me where in the talmud it says this. I would like to speak with my rabbi about this. It would be amazing if you could cite the quote you mentioned from the talmud.


Meir Reply

Opal Whitney Eva November 25, 2018

This taught me something different about God's will for Israel and Jewish people,before you spoke today I had no respect for Israel or Jews,but now you've made yourself clear as a sane sounding people and as a man living in his purpose for God's people not just Israelites and Jews but gentiles and people everywhere you've shown the love and the heart of God you've dispelled the myths. And debuncked the mystery of Israel and you've shown the heart of Israel and its good will. And that is amazing. I have a new respect for your country. keep being the light. Your living in your purpose. Reply

Wallace Edward Brand, JD Harvard 1957 Arlington, VA, USA 22201 November 29, 2015

I In 1920 Jewish statehood was not practical until the Jewish Population was larger so the Allied Principal Powers placed the collective rights to political self-determination was placed in trust and they vested later.

See: See also, Rifkind, The Basic Equities of the Palestine Problem. The latter was written by 8 distinguished jurists, including Simon Rifkind, Jerome Frank, Milton Handler, Abe Fortas. It confirms that the purpose of the Palestine Mandate was to permit Jewish immigration and settlement in all of Palestine west of the Jordan without political limitation so as to increase the Jewish population to a majority and ultimate statehood. The means was to permit immediately, unlimited immigration and settlement in Palestine west of the Jordan but place the collective political rights to self-determination within Palestine in an international trust. The trust res was to vest when the Jews attained a population majority in the area of rule, and the capability of exercising sovereignty. The Jewish people gained sovereignty in the area within the Green Line in 1948 and in the remainder of the Mandate in 1967. Reply

Anonymous Somewhere in the planet October 27, 2013

Very interesting Reply

Anonymous Somewhere, Planet Earth June 24, 2011

Neturei Karta's interpretation of Talmud Dear Rabbi Friedman,

Thank you for the presentation.

Did you say in the video that G-d never said in the Talmud that human intervention will not be required for Him to bring the Jews back to Israel?

From my understanding of Naturei Karta's opinion on the Talmud, human effort will play no part in returning the Jews to their homeland. G-d will do all the work required.

Thank you for your time. Reply

Anonymous Cedar HIll , Tx. June 1, 2011

Thanks for your help and prayer. I needed a voice of reason and spiritual help.,and you did help me. Thanks. Reply

john smith fort lauderdale, fl June 1, 2011

FINALLY i have been waiting for these words for awhile now. i do not feel alone anymore. Reply

Kayo Kaneko Tokyo, Japan May 31, 2011

On that day, the Lo-d will be One and His Name One B"H

Now I have started understanding the prayers - Aleinu, Val Ken nekavch, and Al tira mipachad pitiom.
And I had no clue about what Olan Habaa is like. Now I have started imagining about it. Reply

Anonymous Mesa, Arizona, USA May 30, 2011

The Agony And Ecstasy of Jewish Sovereignity My Dear Rabbi Friedman,
Your rich words today have given me so much peace. I have been very distressed while researching for my people, the Sephardic, the Anousim. I could just not believe the horrific ventures they all had to go through. The pain they felt, have been crushing my heart and soul. But as I heard your lecture, acceptance came to my heart. Although, I am not considered a "Jew" because I did not grow up as one. My soul knew that I am, and have been a Jew my entire existence. I remember, when growing up the people I knew, the things they did in every day life. I realized my family, my family's friend were all Jewish. And with your lecture today, I am beginning to understand. My faith has increased and peace have come to my heart. Soon we will ALL be in the Kingdom with Mashiach, in His service. Thank you so much, and may Hashem keep on blessing you with wisdom and understanding of His ways. Please pray for my people that Hashem bring us back, and we will return. Reply

FactsRule Las Vegas May 30, 2011

Where does it say "you will not obtain sovereignty Israel was given legal sovereignty by the legal sovereign, Britain. The Jewish National Home was the option of Britain who controlled Palestine. 80% of it was illegally amputated to form Jordan, 85% Palestinian. The Brits illegally permitted Arab immigration into the Jewish settled area West of the Jordan River from 1922-1948. They then wanted to create Palestinian state That wasn't accepted by the Palestinians. Instead, they started & lost a civil war. They got the surrounding Arab states to attack Israel while they thought they'd leave & return when Israel was destroyed. Jordan & Egypt stole the West Bank & Gaza & annexed them from 1949-1967. The only legal owners of the land West of The Jordan River is Israel. It's not that the world hasn't accepted Israel's sovereignty, it's Israel who failed to annex the W. Bank & Gaza & repatriate those genocidal populations left on Israel's side of the border with Jordan & Egypt. This stems from Israel having the West's worst political system. Reply

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