
Can Lawyers Be More Ethical?

A Jewish Perspective on American Ethics Codes

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Can Lawyers Be More Ethical?: A Jewish Perspective on American Ethics Codes

A legal scholar makes the argument that current American ethical codes actually contribute to a lack of ethics in the legal profession. He then offers the Jewish system of Talmudic ethics as a model for improvement.
Rights, Judiciary; Judges, Laws & Rules, Morality; Ethics; Values, Law; Jurisprudence, Lawyers

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David Nearhood Morrisdale, Pennsylvania August 27, 2012

ethic rules If I sue my attorney for what he has done to me will the ABA back me up in the courts or will I have to go after them also?

And what penalties are there for an attorney lying to the Board of Discipline in an inquiry? Reply

Anonymous Parkland, Florida July 19, 2011

Can Lawyers be more Ethical? Dear Professor Levine:
Your Knowledge and presentation was pure power.
The answer to your question is YES, Lawyers should be more Ethical.
Two mayor reasons why they are not, the American system makes them less ethical, and more important lawyers they don't care about their clients, they are to busy trying to see what they can prove or not prove in a Court of Law and they forget to bring heaven closer to earth. Question? have you talk ( or how many Lawyers they do?)to past clients and ask them about their experience, how they feel about it?
Thank you for your powerful presentation
and keep the good work Reply