
Making Ink From Grass!

Farbrengen, 6 Tishrei, 5742 • October 4, 1981

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Making Ink From Grass!: Farbrengen, 6 Tishrei, 5742 • October 4, 1981

After the passing of his mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, in 1964, the Rebbe began holding a farbrengen, chassidic gathering and public address, on the date of her yahrzeit. This gathering would be dedicated to her legacy, and to the mission of the Jewish woman.
Tishrei 6, Soviet Era, Soviet War on Judaism, R. Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Making Ink From Grass!
Farbrengen, 6 Tishrei, 5742 • October 4, 1981
Disc 1, Program 2

Event Date: 6 Tishrei 5742 - October 04, 1981
After the passing of his mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, in 1964, the Rebbe began holding a farbrengen, chassidic gathering and public address, on the date of her yahrzeit. This gathering would be dedicated to her legacy, and to the mission of the Jewish woman. Rebbetzin Chana voluntarily followed her exiled and ailing husband, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson of righteous memory, into government-imposed exile in a remote town called “Ch’ili” in Kazakhstan. He had been sent there for “counterrevolutionary activities”—his religious activism—and was allowed only the bare minimum of personal belongings. Rebbetzin Chana would go out into the fields, gather herbs, and grind and mix them to create ink. Using this multicolored ink, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok inscribed his Torah thoughts in the margins of the few books that he had with him. The notes have since been published, and whenever people study them, it is in her everlasting merit. The lesson to us: Even when we face seemingly insurmountable obstacles, we must never give up.

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Yocheved MO via January 28, 2025

B’H! Reply

Dr. Eitan October 6, 2023

Thank you for sharing a truly inspiring modern Jewish matriarch. Reply

Rivka Sydney Austraila September 20, 2023

It is so special,
Such an amazing lesson Reply

Ron Reuven NEW YORK December 5, 2013

great lesson great story its the toughest times that teach us the most valuable lessons Reply

Wolf MN February 28, 2013

Never give up! Reply

Anonymous Brookhaven,19015, Pa.USA October 4, 2011

NEVER GIVE UP Always think positive Denniy. I am praying for you, pray for yourself.

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