
Footsteps of Jerusalem

A Short Film

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Footsteps of Jerusalem: A Short Film

A slice of life from the holy city. Footage from various scenes around Jerusalem shot in 2011 and 2012.
Israel, Jerusalem

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Alex NYC July 13, 2017

A one, really shows how colourful and royal Jerusalem looks!
Thanks Reply

Benjamin Travers Lexington, Kentucky July 12, 2015

I would love to buy their music to this wonderful short film. What is the name of the song? Reply

Michele Makarewicz De, USA July 12, 2015

Beautuful! The children playing in peace! Lord please keep them safe. I to, have prayed at the wall. Thank you for bringing the memory back. Reply

Joey Alabama USA January 29, 2015

Video of Jersusalem I thought the movie was Wonderful. I have visited Jerusalem and wished I could have stayed. Please keep having these Great movies.

Shalom, Reply

chuna June 1, 2014

What's up with Tova. I don't understand what you are talking about. Reply

LP JERUSALEM June 1, 2014

simply beautiful Reply

Jorge Oisiovici Salvador - Bahia May 29, 2014

Yerushalayim , eye of the Universe ! Reply

zeynep May 28, 2014

Lovely tear-jerker. Beautiful music. Reply

Ken Greenberg Millbrook May 27, 2014

Wonderful little film. Visited Israel 8 years ago. Sorry I didn't stay. Reply

Feivel May 27, 2014

Ready Hashem, I want to go home. Please.

a simple jew in golus Reply

Tovah South Africa December 13, 2013

A Devious Film Beautiful? Inspiring? Wonderful? I'm amazed at such comments. This movie sets out to reconstruct and deconstruct Israel's past in the most devious, cynical and insidious way. For example, the drawn-out scene of Israeli 12 yr olds at Ammunition Hill re-enacting scenes from the past. Comparison is invited with Hamas training their children to kill Israelis. The man whose home is filled with clutter from the past is told to clean it with Nazi efficiency in order to make it marketable. The messenger who rides through the poor Arab quarter crashes into the separation wall. The slur "nigger go home"on the wall of the Ethiopian Church begs the conclusion: Israelis are racists. And of course there are the ill-starred Palestinian lovers. Puh-leeeze! There is nothing of beauty in this film, only meaninglessness. Is present day Jerusalem shown to have any joy? Not once! Reply

Rachel N. Dakota July 13, 2013

Tears For some reason watching this beautiful video made my eyes well up with tears: pride, love, longing for Yerushalyim? I can't wait to finally visit eretz yisrael. Reply

HELEN BRUSTMAN OAM Melbourne, Australia via May 20, 2013

video on jerusalem enjoyed the footsteps of Jerusalem the web site for chabad malvern is excellent Reply

Anonymous Amana, Ia. August 28, 2012

I have been there and i thought it was wonderful Reply

Linda Adelaide August 1, 2012

to mendy karp, you probably didn't watch it closely enough. yes, lots of praying at the Kotel.

Not inciting at all. Wrong. Reply

Albert, Netherlands July 28, 2012

inspiring B"H
To me it is inspiring. I have never been to Israel (yet?!) it makes me feel welcome and at home. As from a creative perspective, it shows tenderness, intimacy and love. Yes a stone is a stone, but in the context of ' footsteps of Jerusalem' the footage of feet walking on the streets is a very creative way of showing 'the real' life in the streets. and yes, a wall is a wall, is a wall, is a wall; but there is no wall than The Wall.
Shalom. Reply

Mr. mendy karp April 15, 2012

its ok but the same scenes over and over again Reply

Meyer Sydney, Australia March 19, 2012

@liela If you look at the world with a "taking" perspective, then yes - showing footage like this can be "harmful" by inviting others to criticise and show hatred towards Israel and Jerusalem.
However, if you look at the world through the eyes of a "giver" then you can see how a video like this can be inspiring to Jews from all over the world.
It is a give and take situation - depending on your point of view. If you are one who wants to inspire others and help them grow in their Judaism and in their love for Torah and Israel, then this video can assist in just that.
It all just depends on which lens you look at the world with. Reply

liela pretorius pretoria, gauteng February 29, 2012

terrorism should you not be affraid that by showing footage on internet (though I admit it doest't show much), you invite terrorist activities?
Also how would you that a person like me is truly interrested in Israel and doesnt have ulterior motives. Im asking because it really worries me Reply

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