
How to Combat Anti-Semitism

A Jewish Filmmaker Tells His Story

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How to Combat Anti-Semitism: A Jewish Filmmaker Tells His Story

Anti-Semitic comments of Helen Thomas, the so-called “dean” of the White House press corp, were exposed in a brief video encounter with Jewish filmmaker David Nesenoff. The video went viral and thrust Thomas’ bias into the spotlight, forcing her career to end. Here Nesenoff tells his fascinating story (with much humor), and makes a passionate plea for Jews to combat anti-semitism by “doing Jewish” in their own lives.
Media; Journalism, Antisemitism, Jewishness; Jewish Identity

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Moshe Brooklyn August 30, 2022

Amazing! Thank you
the quote from CNN:
"You know, I have absolutely no issue or relationship with Helen Thomas. My relationship is with justice, integrity and honesty, and with Israel, and the fact that the Jewish people and Israel have a relationship, and that anybody that denies that relationship cannot begin the communication and the conversation about how to begin the other problems." Reply

Anonymous new york September 4, 2014

great! thank you for having this available Reply

Anonymous New York City May 24, 2013

MS in MSNBC Interestingly recently lost the MS ("Emes = Truth") in their name and they are just NBC now. Reply

Marlene Wiltshire Trinidad & Tobago May 23, 2013

A very serious and necessary message for Jews today. I commend your unfeigned love for Israel and the global relevance of this message. Reply

Hinda Rivka St. James May 23, 2013

Pearls of Wisdom Cast Out Over Swine I couldn't help but be drawn to a topic about Anti-Semitism. Little did I know I would hear my Rabbi's name mentioned as one of the key people to find out what your message would be. Rabbi Chaim Grossbaum of Stony Brook Chabad is the one Rabbi I have found to be learned, helpful and inspirational. I am glad that in your journey for "the message" you found him to be of help to you. I have now found you to be of help to me in conjunction with him. Pearls cast before swine...We speak and hope that the right people hear the right message but what if the message meets the oblivious, those who choose to remain AntiSemitic? We continue to be one people. We continue to thrive, live and share our wisdom for peace...even though there are those who don't believe in our existence. We ARE One Nation, One People Under One G-d. We say it every day. The Shema is the ultimate affirmation of our faith in G-d and in our nation. I am so very glad that I stumbled onto this particular video. Reply

Elayne Dener Norwalk, 7 via May 23, 2013

Stand-up Funny & Smart Best monologue I've heard in a long long time. Thank you Rabbi. I'm inspired! Reply

Anonymous USA May 22, 2013

How To Combat Anti Semitism You are so right R. Nesenoff, We need to feel proud of who we are. I will remember to wear my spiritual iron keepah, and Tzitzi, although being a woman. I will keep it in my mind and soul. That one is even stronger, because it goes along with the Shekinah. We are all B'nei Yisrael. I will continue to light my Shabbat candle, and pray for the peace of Yisrael. There is peace in our soul, and will be until Mashiach comes. Thank you for your lecture. Reply

Chaim Hillel Pretoria, South Africa May 22, 2013

Great and amazing - a real inspiration After hearing about this video from my sister I found myself needing to entertain 10 boys and give them a good feeling for active Judaism.
This was the perfect solution with a mix of humor and real life events, the speaker had my group spell bound and attentive.
Thanks for posting this inspiration - I hope it will bring many more to protect the Jewish nation from those who oppose us! Reply

Eugene Sierras Tucson, Arizona May 22, 2013

Significant I came across this video quite by accident. I sat spellbound for it's entirety. I laughed, out loud even, several times, and was profoundly moved. Reply

Sam Brooklyn May 21, 2013

Too bad they couldn't kasher the politicians. :>{ Reply