
The Golden Age of Tzfat

The Jews in Exile

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The Golden Age of Tzfat: The Jews in Exile

After the Spanish expulsion, many prominent rabbis found their way to the city of Tzfat (Safed) in northern Israel. Among them were the Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria; Rabbi Joseph Caro, the author of the Shulchan Aruch; and Rabbi Shlomo Halevi Alkabetz, composer of the Sabbath hymn “Lecha Dodi.”
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History, Alshich, R. Moshe, R. Chaim ibn Attar (Ohr HaChaim), Safed, R. Isaac Luria, Caro, R. Joseph, Jewish History

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Avigdor NY May 13, 2016

It's not fair sefaradim had all these big rabbis Reply

Mendel Dubov Sparta, NJ May 17, 2015

Correction Thank you for pointing out. R' Yosef Caro did live until approximately 87 years old. I had confused this with R' Moshe Isserles (Rema) who passed away in his mid or late forties. Reply

michael seixas May 13, 2015

Mistake in Shiur The Rabbi ventured that Maran died young at 48 but my learning is that Maran lived to his eighties. Reply

Yehoshua Green June 6, 2018
in response to michael seixas:

Michael How are you? This is Yehoshua (Charlie)Green from SSC how’s it all going bro?
He did say that Maran lived til his eighties & the Rama lived til 40something Reply