
The Design of the Temple Menorah

Did the menorah have circular or straight branches?

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The Design of the Temple Menorah: Did the menorah have circular or straight branches?

The menorah is possibly the most popular Jewish symbol, yet there’s much confusion as to how it really looked.
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Holy Temple, Menorah

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Joy January 18, 2017

Almond tree ? Would it be the branches, flowers, almonds it would be the shape of a tree? Reply

Anonymous January 25, 2020
in response to Joy:

A branch is a tree? Reply

Joy Canada November 8, 2020
in response to Anonymous:

A branch can be a tree if it grows roots? Reply

Hersh Goldman 62 Essex Street, Swampscott, MA 01907 October 18, 2015

RE: Design of the Temple Menorah - Video by Rabbi Mendel Kaplan A picture is worth a thousand words. The video had a lot of words but needed more pictures. You should have had a photocopy reproduction of the actual Rampam drawing displayed . The actual Rambam branches were way out of whack on top. Would you have everybody believe the branches of the Menorah are uneven on top because that's the way the Rambam drew them?

I think you should have shown a photo of the Menorah coin minted by the last Chashmanoi King of Israel. That should be the most reliable research since he was the Kohen Gadol and was supposed to light the Menorah so who would know better what the menorah should look like? I called up the coin on internet and I can tell you the coin I got shows 7 branches in the shape of half circles growing out of a trunk that branches out at the base into three legs . If you question my description I can mail you the coin photo by post if you give me your house address. I have technical problems with sending material by e-mail. Reply

David Marx Totonto December 29, 2021
in response to Hersh Goldman:

I have been working on my own version of the Rambam’s menorah. It is based on the Chabad guidelines and has more decorative details than any other design published anywhere. If you wish to see my version, kindly reply to this email. Reply

Hersh Goldman Swampscott, MA 01907 December 30, 2021
in response to David Marx:

OK, David Marx. You're on. I accept your offer. Send me a copy of your version (obligation free) of the Menorah . I am not a Chabad Chasid so I hope you won't mind if I don't neccessariy hold by your Chabad sources. Still, I like your enthusiasm and I think artwork and exploration should be encouraged. If you mail me a copy of your picture of the Menorah with your return postal address, I will (blee neder) mail you a copy of my picture that I envisioned and drew (based on my analysis) related to the appearance of the Menorah. My address is next to my name in the Oct. 18, 2015 article you had responded to. Kol tuv. Reply

Daniel Henry Thomas Costa Rica July 13, 2013

Am Yisrael Or Lagoyim As a Goy from beautiful Costa Rica, please allow me to express my most sincere congratulations to for becoming a most appealing beacon of Light and Truth to guide us... Please allow us to manifest our utmost respect and appreciation for Rabbi Mendel Kaplan for sharing his wisdom.

Feeling most impressed about the concept of the cups of the angular Menorah pointing downwards, because this is the relation in which this Light comes... please let us know how does this relate to 'Am Yisrael Or Lagoyim', and how particularly it relates to us Goyim, and the openness to study Kabbalah ever since the Holy Ari, after XVI century of the common era...

Thank you, greetings from Costa Rica!
(Pura Vida) Reply

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