I’d like to introduce you to two special women who are making their debut this week on TheJewishWoman.org: Tamar Maerim-Yunger and Ellen Resnick.

Both these women share with us their intimate, personal journey and its effect on their lives and their families.

For Tamar, it was covering her hair. For Ellen, it was her first experience at the mikvah.

Each of these women speaks in her unique voice, through different mediums (video versus written article), in different countries (Canada versus the United States), about entirely different experiences. But what they both have in common is how they convey their thoughts and emotions about being Jewish women with a true genuineness.

In a similar vein, in G‑d’s Secret Service, Rochel Holzkenner explores the qualities of our matriarch Rachel, and through her, all Jewish women.

Also this week, look out for Communicating Genetic Diseases in our health section, which has important health reminders for all of us.

So, this week, in whichever city or country you live, in whatever stage you may find yourself on your life’s journey or on your level of observance, raise your head a little taller as you stand in solidarity with these genuine voices, as we all celebrate our own contribution as part of the sisterhood of Jewish women.

Wishing you a wonderfully genuine week.

Chana Weisberg,
Editor, TJW