They are everywhere around you. They’re the center of attention at any gathering. And they have an endless array of witty comments to entertain their large circle of friends. They make themselves heard. Loudly.
But what about introverts? Just as only the tip of the iceberg peeks out of the ocean while its huge mass remains unseen in the depths below, most of an introvert’s rich inner life remains hidden within. They listen more than they talk, and think before they speak.
But don’t mistake that for a lack of character or creativity. Many of mankind’s greatest innovators and leaders were introverts. Their ideas simmered below the surface until the time came to unleash their revolutionary ideas—in their own quiet but supremely powerful way.
This week marks the yahrtzeit of an incredible woman, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, wife of our Rebbe. So much can be said about the Rebbetzin’s greatness, including her wisdom, her kindness, her self-sacrifice and her tremendous spiritual stature. But what stands out most perhaps was her humble, behind the scenes, quiet dignity. It was a dignity that exuded the most potent power.
In our article Are You An Introvert? we take a look at Susan Cain’s best-selling book, Quiet—The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. What do ancient Jewish teachings say about this increasingly popular trend of valuing the quality of an introvert? And how can this trend lead us to a more rectified world?
So, whether you are an introvert or extrovert, this week we take some thoughtful moments to reflect upon and appreciate a quiet life filled with enormous power and immeasurable contributions.
Wishing you a powerful week!
Chana Weisberg,
Editor, TJW