Dear friends,
Here we go again... If you live in one of 22 states from Texas to New England and portions of Canada hit by yet another heavy snowstorm, there is a high likelihood that you are sitting at home thinking, "Winter shminter. When will it warm up already?"
We hope that you and your loved ones are all safe and warm.
While we can't help with the weather, we'd like to share a couple of links and resources to help you make the most of your time at home.
First, let's talk Parshah. If you like to browse on your own, head over to our Parshah section where you will find a treasure of articles and insights on this week's Torah portion. If you like to watch Torah classes, here is one for this week: Is Technology Kosher? And while browsing our videos, check out our popular Kabbalah Toons which will both entertain and enlighten you.
Since it is Presidents' Day weekend, check out our feature on The Rebbe's Correspondence with US Presidents.
Finally, wherever you are — women and girls, this is for you! — it may be freezing outside, but your light can make the world brighter and warmer. Be sure to do your part by lighting your Shabbat candles this Friday afternoon. Look up the time to light here.
Wishing all of our readers Shabbat shalom and a safe weekend!
Your friends at Chabad.org