Advance your Jewish knowledge with Chabad.org's online courses

The Song of Songs is truly a beautiful story, but does this romantic rollercoaster of love really belong in the Bible? According to the great sage Rabbi Akiva, not only does it belong - but it is the holiest of all the books! In this course, we will look at it through three distinct prisms. One, the literal interpretation. Two, the historical interpretation which celebrates the connection between G-d and the Jewish people, and third, the mystical interpretation, which connects the individual soul with G-d. Roses and chocolate sold separately.

Kosher? Where does one begin? The answer is right here. In this course, you will learn what kosher is, how to keep a kosher home, how to shop for kosher, how to correct non-kosher mistakes, and how to live a kosher lifestyle. We’ll discover how keeping kosher can infuse spirituality and purpose into your life, and how it has the power to elevate everything and everyone you come into contact with. We hope you have an appetite to learn because our first course is ready.

The Rebbe taught that mastering Rambam (Maimonides) was like mastering the entire Torah. This year marks 40 years since the Rebbe launched a revolutionary learning program designed to make the Rambam's teachings accessible to every Jew. Join us in this milestone year to explore the depth and breadth of the Rambam's works, and discover how his teachings can unify and elevate the Jewish community worldwide.

In this new four-part course, discover the profound teachings of 'Chovos HaLevavos', an ancient text that will take us on a journey into the heart of trust in G-d. Uncover the art of cultivating trust as a skill, explore the nuances of building meaningful connections, and witness the transformative effects of trust on your life. Join us for a thoughtful exploration that goes beyond the surface, paving the way for a world where trust in G-d is not just a concept but a way of being.

Trust's Healing Touch
In this new four-part course, discover the profound teachings of 'Chovos HaLevavos', an ancient text that will take us on a journey into the heart of trust in G-d. Uncover the art of cultivating trust as a skill, explore the nuances of building meaningful connections, and witness the transformative effects of trust on your life. Join us for a thoughtful exploration that goes beyond the surface, paving the way for a world where trust in G-d is not just a concept but a way of being.

Navigating the death of a loved one is often an emotional and confusing process. Jewish tradition guides us through everything from end-of-life care to the best way to memorialize our loved ones. In this course, you will learn about the meaning behind Judaism's end-of-life practices and how to best honor those you’ve lost.

Is eating the secret to a more spiritual life?
Why are Jews obsessed with food? Every major holiday, every major milestone, is marked with it. From apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah to latkes on Chanukah, matzah on Pesach, and everything in betweenIs there something inherently Jewish about the foods we eat? In this course we dive in deep, through Jewish history, kabbalistic insights, and even a bit of wisdom from Bubby. So grab a plate and dig in!

An Introduction to the Concept of Redemption
In this three-part class, we are introduced to some of the basic concepts entailed in the Jewish belief in Messianic redemption. This series deals with 1) the redemption itself, 2) the era of resurrection of the dead and finally 3) what the world will be like after the resurrection.

The Jews and G-d: The Original Love Story
The Song of Songs is truly a beautiful story, but does this romantic rollercoaster of love really belong in the Bible? According to the great sage Rabbi Akiva, not only does it belong - but it is the holiest of all the books! In this course, we will look at it through three distinct prisms. One, the literal interpretation. Two, the historical interpretation which celebrates the connection between G-d and the Jewish people, and third, the mystical interpretation, which connects the individual soul with G-d. Roses and chocolate sold separately.

The influential teachings of the Rebbe’s Father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson
In this new four-part series we delve into the teachings of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s father. A renowned Kabbalist and Talmudic scholar, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak’s Torah has influenced generations of Jewish thought. Join us as we unpack the concepts that defined his work and get a taste of the deep love for G-d, Jews, and Torah that has reverberated down through the generations.

How to resolve conflict while improving yourself.
In this course, we will cover strife, personal weakness, the human condition, and the daily battles that rage between our G-dly soul and our animal soul. You will discover that not all conflict is bad; on the contrary, it can be channeled into a greater good. You will gain a profound appreciation for friends, family, and humanity as a whole. But, most importantly, you will gain a deeper insight into the world’s most important person, you.

Small insights for a better life
Faith, joy, love, truth. These are all words that evoke a certain set of feelings: aspiration, hope, and maybe even a tinge of confusion. Who doesn't want to live a life of perfect joy, suffused with faith and authenticity? But how do we get there? In “Love. Joy. Truth.”, we set out to present a personal and authentically Jewish approach to living a more fulfilled life. One lesson at a time.

Welcome to the Tanya - a classic, Chassidic text, written 200 years ago, that turns all preconceived notions of what it means to be human upside down. Do we have one soul or two? What does it mean to be righteous? And are we supposed to take life seriously, or have a good time? Dive into this four part series and find out.

How much do you know about the soul and its inner workings? Have you ever wondered about the big questions: why are we here? What’s the purpose of evil in the world? Join us as we delve into the paradoxes and mysteries of the human condition—and glean answers to some of our most essential questions. Based on the teachings of R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi in his seminal chassidic text, “The Tanya,” this course will introduce you to the Jewish understanding of the soul... and what it means to have one in the 21st century.

An Online Course on Freedom of Choice
Do we have freedom of choice, or is it merely an illusion? Belief in an omnipotent higher power would suggest that everything is predetermined. But how does that explain the human experience, in which our ability to make choices is a given? And how does it fit with the moral imperative, in both Judaism and in society at large, that people should be held accountable for their actions?

A Practical Guide to Spiritual Growth
This lecture-series presents an overview of the primary ideas in the foundational book of Chassidism. The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life. Tanya has revolutionized the way we think about G-d, the human condition, the world and our place in it, and it serves as a practical guide to realize your spiritual potential.

A journey through American Jewish history
This course explores the rich and diverse history of Judaism in America, from the arrival of the first Jewish settlers to the American colonies through to today’s thriving Jewish community. Over the span of four lessons, we’ll delve into the challenges, triumphs, and transformations that have shaped the American Jewish experience.

How well do you know your Jewish history? It’s not an objective question, not just that anyway. It’s a profoundly personal question. You are the result of more than three millennia of Jewish history. Your habits, your quirks, your likes and dislikes, your sense of humor, the way you think, the way you see reality, the way you interact with family, your friends, your neighbors, your fellow citizens—all of this is heavily determined by a long heritage of Jewish habits, likes, dislikes, ideas, teachings, etc.. It’s like an extension of psychoanalysis. To really get to know yourself, you need to understand your parents; to understand your parents, you need to understand your grandparents…

The six millennia that made you who you are.
You are the result of more than three millennia of Jewish history. Your habits, your quirks, your likes and dislikes, your sense of humor, the way you think, the way you see reality, the way you interact with your family, your friends, your neighbors, your fellow citizens—all of this is heavily determined by a long heritage of Jewish habits. To really get to know yourself, you need to understand your history.

Understanding why mental health is spiritual health too
A psychiatrist and a rabbi walk into a room… and embark on an insightful journey, exploring meaning and mental wellness through the lenses of Kabbalah’s esoteric wisdom and psychology’s modern views. Is the Torah’s prescription for meaningful life compatible with that of the mental health field? In this course, you will discover the formula for creating a life of purpose and joy, along with practical tools for overcoming obstacles.

The Torah’s prescription for creating solid friendships
The phrase “love your fellow as yourself” is considered to be the trademark instruction of the Torah. Judaism teaches its own set of “Jewish social skills” and instructs us on how to operate with kindness, compassion, and respect at all times. In this course, you will learn about the Torah’s perspective on friendship, how to center kindness in every interaction, and how to find compassion within yourself no matter the circumstances.

In this course, we will cover two of life’s greatest enigmas, love, and relationships. We will learn how to enhance and navigate them through the lens of Jewish wisdom and teachings. Specifically, we will talk about real love and how to find it. The story of creation, and how it frames our relationships. And finally, but perhaps most importantly, how to react when we make mistakes, and how we can bring G-d into our lives and relationships in a way that brings us closer together and stronger than ever. Ready? Let’s dive right in.

Finding purpose in a life where nothing seems normal anymore
The search for a meaningful and purposeful life is the great equalizer among people of all faiths, cultures, and backgrounds. We all want to believe that we’re a part of something bigger; we want to feel that our existence means something. But what does it mean to live with purpose? And how can we reconcile personal hardship, sudden tragedy, and feelings of emptiness with living a life of belief, happiness, and meaning? In this course, we will uncover eight paths to purpose in the face of both ordinary and extraordinary circumstances.

A comprehensive course on giving and getting forgiveness.
This forgiveness course focuses on the study of interpersonal relationships. But some of what we learn is equally relevant to our divine relationship. Learners completing this course, will have a thorough and fundamental understanding of the mechanics and application of forgiveness.

4 Keys to Emotional Intelligence
Are you ready to retrain your mind to think healthy thoughts? Some thought patterns are so pervasive and so ingrained in our minds that we aren’t even conscious of them. When these thought patterns are self-destructive and disempowering, they breed toxic emotions. The first step is to demystify these patterns by becoming more self-aware; then we can develop strategies for tackling the challenges they present. Each lesson in this course will focus on one key area, diving inward to examine the pattern of thought, and exploring strategies for untangling and transforming them.

Explore Select Discussions of the Talmud
Join the Talmud’s discussion as we explore and debate various selected texts from the vast sea of the Talmud, and gain insight and appreciation of its rich knowledge. This series will help enhance your skills in Talmudic analysis and reasoning, whilst providing a window into the style and language of the Talmud, also known as the Gemara. These courses are taught by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, an expert Talmudic scholar, who masterfully presents the Talmud’s profound wisdom in a clear, easy to follow, and intellectually stimulating manner.

Simple, easy to remember meditations, designed to keep you living fully in the moment.
Stress. Anxiety. Distraction. These are all maladies of twenty-first century life. But what if you could outwit them? For centuries, Chassidic teachings have held the answer: Simple, easy to remember meditations, designed to keep you living fully in the moment. In this four course series, you'll be taken through the basics of Jewish mindfulness. Each course contains a brief guided imagery meditation, followed by instruction on how to utilize it in your day-to-day life. Are you ready to get started?

A Journey Through the Siddur
We spend much time each day reciting the words of the siddur. Join us to enhance your prayers and become more proficient in understanding and mastering the prayer liturgy. This comprehensive series on Tefillah explores the special meaning embedded in the text of our prayers—elucidating, step by step, the words, structure, and progression of the siddur.

Guidance on Mindful Prayer
In order to give one’s words wings with which they may fly, we endeavor to infuse them with meditative intentions. Learning to inspire prayer with meditation greatly enhances the experience and imbues it with enhanced meaning and reach. This series offers guided meditations appropriate to everyday prayer.

Jewish medical ethics on the modern world.
It's time for a serious talk about life, death, health, medicine, and healing. The world, as we know it, is changing and progressing faster than ever before. And with all those developments and advancements come bigger and more complicated ethical questions and uncertainties. In this course, we will take a deep dive into Jewish medical ethics, and explore the sources, principles, and laws that guide our lives, from eating healthy to ambulance rides to ICU's, and beyond.

The meat and potatoes of keeping kosher
Kosher? Where does one begin? The answer is right here. In this course, you will learn what kosher is, how to keep a kosher home, how to shop for kosher, how to correct non-kosher mistakes, and how to live a kosher lifestyle. We’ll discover how keeping kosher can infuse spirituality and purpose into your life, and how it has the power to elevate everything and everyone you come into contact with. We hope you have an appetite to learn because our first course is ready.

The best charity practices according to Judaism.
The mitzvah of Tzedakah is the hallmark symbol of the Jewish community and its emphasis on togetherness. The Torah guides us through every detail of the mitzvah from how much to give to who we should prioritize in our giving. In this course, you will learn about the meaning behind this integral mitzvah, how to fulfill this kindness according to the Torah’s perspective, and the cosmic reverberations of giving.

How can we connect to our loved ones, once they’ve passed? What do Jews believe about the afterlife? In this all-new ChabadU course, we take a glimpse behind the veil and get to understand Judaism’s take on the age-old question: What happens when we die? Join us for a four-part journey into the world to come.

The Torah's View on Dating and a Jewish Wedding
From the first date through smashing the glass, Judaism has a lot of wisdom to share when it comes to marriage. In this course we look at the Torah’s perspective on dating, soulmates, and the Jewish wedding ceremony. Whether you’re happily married or still looking for the one, this series has something for everyone. Let’s get started.

The Sound and the Spirit
The central observance of Rosh Hashanah is hearing the shofar. This year, many of us will not be able to attend synagogue services and will be blowing the shofar at home. This course will provide you with practical tips and mystical insights to fulfill this mitzvah an optimal manner, so you can blow at home, and blow everyone away.

We forge many relationships throughout the course of our lives, but only one is featured in the ten commandments: The mitzvah to honor one’s parents. From the moment we’re born to the day that we die, there is no bond that is closer, deeper, or more complex than the parent-child relationship. In this course we will explore the Torah’s perspective on that bond, and the obligations that come along with it.

Taking the lid off the food industry
Kosher certification. You may have seen the symbols, but do you know what goes on behind the scenes? From fish markets in China to vegan shops in Montreal, this course travels around the world to find out what’s really going on beneath the label. Join us on our four-part journey to discover why kosher supervision is so important.

Explore the rich traditions and customs of the Passover Seder
The Seder is the most celebrated part of the Passover holiday. But let’s be honest: Do you sometimes feel confused and somewhat bored by the Seder’s parade of rituals and words? If yes, this four-part course is for you. Join Rabbi Moshe Steiner as the ancient traditions and laws come to life—your life. In this course you’ll learn the sources and the significance of the customs and laws of Passover, and gain an overview of the central elements of the Seder.

A Guide to Jewish Life and Living
A six-part lecture-series on the foundations of Jewish life. Blending the spiritual and the practical, “The Essentials” will deepen your knowledge and appreciation of Judaism and hopefully whet your appetite for continued growth and study in pursuit of your heritage.

Jewish unity through Maimonides
The Rebbe taught that mastering Rambam (Maimonides) was like mastering the entire Torah. This year marks 40 years since the Rebbe launched a revolutionary learning program designed to make the Rambam's teachings accessible to every Jew. Join us in this milestone year to explore the depth and breadth of the Rambam's works, and discover how his teachings can unify and elevate the Jewish community worldwide.

The story of Yosef and his brothers
The story of Yosef and his brothers is one of the first great dramas in recorded history. An innocent familial rivalry that blossomed into heartbreaking jealousy, bitter betrayal and a string of miscalculations that became a tale of repentance, reunion and redemption. Join us as we navigate, unpack and learn from the Torah’s longest story with the guidance of the Talmud, the Midrash and great Jewish mystics.

The unique math that demystifies the Torah's written and oral laws.
Let’s talk about the Torahs. You read that right; we received two Torahs from G-d at Sinai, the written law and the oral law. They were given together because one can not be understood or interpreted without the other. In this course, we will breakdown the origins and meaning of both the oral and written traditions of Torah, how they’ve been passed down for centuries, and how our rabbis and sages have passed rulings based on these G-d given laws for over 3,000 years.

Who hasn’t heard of Abraham and Sarah? The founders of the Jewish people who together stood up to a world that chose to ignore the existence of a divine creator. But, how well do we know them, the two people that are responsible for our existence? In this course, we will delve into what made Avraham and Sarah so special as individuals, and what made them so effective as leaders and trailblazers.

The World Is Your Garden
Eden was the very beginning, the blueprint for how human existence in its perfect state was meant to be – and exposed the shortcomings that brought about the imperfect world we live in today. Every detail, every nuance, contains a fountain of information and insight into our reality, the human condition, our future, our purpose, why we’re here, where we’re heading and why.
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