We at Chabad.org know that people love to print up our articles. For the Shabbat table, to hang on the fridge door, or just to enjoy later at an unplugged moment.
We also know that some folks prefer not to print images along with the articles. It’s a waste of paper, ink and energy—and all around bad for the environment.
Responding to your feedback, our crack team of developers implemented an elegant solution. From now on, when you click the “print” button, you will notice a new set of options: the standard print icon, and a green “print without images” option, allowing you to choose if you want to print the artwork along with your article.
Just to help you see for yourself how this works, we are sticking an image in this blog post that you can choose not to print. Click the printer icon above, and enjoy the freedom.
Shout-out to developer Efi Gotbeter, who made it happen!