Thirty years ago, on the final day of Passover of 1984, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, initiated a Torah study program for learning Maimonides’ magnum opus, the Mishneh Torah, a masterful compendium of all the laws of the Torah.
Since the program began, tens of thousands of Jews have studied these laws—which cover all areas of the Torah—again and again. In addition to the special bond that connects them with their fellow scholars all over the world, they have attaining a familiarity with the Torah that is truly enviable.
But why just envy? You can do the same. Recognizing that some of us are still starting out or simply require a slower pace, the Rebbe actually instituted three tracks.
Advanced scholars study three chapters every day, completing the entire 1,000-chapter work in less than a year. Those who have been doing it since the beginning are now on their 33rd cycle.
For those who lack the ability or time to study three chapters every day, the Rebbe suggested that they turn to Maimonides’ Sefer HaMitzvot (“Book of Commandments”), covering the same commandments being studied in detail by those participating in the three-chapter-per-day regimen—concluding all 613 mitzvahs by the time the cycle ends.
He also suggested a parallel one-chapter-a-day track for those able to study the original, but at a more modest pace, completing the entire text in less than three years. (Those studying one chapter a day are currently most of the way through the 11th cycle.)
Here at Chabad.org, we have a number of great resources for students at all three levels.
- We have the entire text of Mishneh Torah available in Hebrew and English.
- For those studying Sefer Hamitzvot, we have the Hebrew original, an English translation, an abbreviated rendition, and even a kids’ version all in one spot, so take your pick.
- Our master Torah teachers Rabbis Yehoshua B. Gordon and Mendel Kaplan have been streaming wonderful classes in Mishneh Torah and Sefer Hamitzvot respectively, and I’m sure there is a comfortable seat for you in their virtual classrooms.
- But what do I learn today? How do I know what everyone is studying right now? We’ve got you covered. It’s all laid out neatly on our Daily Study page.
- And for those on the go, we have an Android app for you as well.
No matter the track, thirty years later there are uncounted thousands of students who are looking back with satisfaction and forward with anticipation as this program continues to spur proficiency and unity of the highest order.
Join us. You will be glad you did.