The city of Temuco has the oldest synagogue in Chile.

It also have the closest airport to Pucon, where we'd be hosting our Passover seder.

Despite its small size, Temuco is home to a beautiful Jewish community of 25 very devoted members.

We were greeted by the president of the community and his wife

The day of our arrival at Temuco was on the auspicious day of 11 Nissan, the Lubavitcher Rebbe's, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, birthday. It would set the tone for the events to follow.

Earlier that day, we filled up a minivan with four rabbinical students, a few Israeli guests, some drink and cakes and off we went on the two hour trip to Temuco.

Upon our arrival, we were greeted by the president of the community and his wife, along with nearly every other member of the community. A sign of their excitement, they had prepared food of their own to commemorate the special day we'd spend together.

The atmosphere was very lively! We sang Chassidic melodies, told stories and shared Torah thoughts.

A truly interactive event, many of the participants shared their personal connection with the Rebbe.

At one point a Jew named Jaime expressed his appreciation to the Rebbe, on behalf of the entire community, for not forgetting the handful of Jews in remote Temuco.

Jaime expressed his appreciation

Jaime shared his thanks for the precious moments of contact that he had with Chabad rabbinical students throughout the year. To Jaime it was his only connection to Judaism.

We gave the Jews of Temuco some of the matzahs we brought from New York and they committed to host their own Seder.

Back in Pucon before the Seder, preparations were underway for the annual mega-seder. Pucon is an adventure-filled Mecca that attracts thousands of Israelis each year. Before the holiday we went around to the tourist hotspots, connecting with 100 Israelis.

When the day of the seder came, it seemed that the people we met had brought friends as well - 200 backpackers joined us!

Together with the rabbinical students and the local Chabad rabbi and his family, we were able to craft a meaningful and lively seder.

Many happy faces were seen leaving the seder as they chanted the final verses of the traditional "who knows one" song.