
Why We Stay Up Shavuot Night

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Why We Stay Up Shavuot Night

Explore the earliest sources for why we stay up all night on Shavuot to learn Torah, and discover the real reason for this seemingly misunderstood custom.
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Halacha, Tikkun Leil Shavuot, Shavuot, Minhag

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Imanuel Davydov brooklyn June 7, 2019

Beautiful class! One mistake though, the second night that group of Bet Yosef studied together wasn't second night of yom tov, it was in Israel. They just said let's get together and learn. Reply

Chavah Kwiatkowska Latvia June 1, 2014

Dear Rabbi, thank you very much for this informative and thought-provoking lecture!
Happy Shavuot to you and your family! Reply

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