
Rabbi Yisroel Gordon

Warsaw, Poland—1928

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Rabbi Yisroel Gordon: Warsaw, Poland—1928

Rabbi Yochanan Gordon traveled from Dokshitz, Russia, to the Rebbe’s wedding in Warsaw. His son, Rabbi Yisroel Gordon, recalls his father’s reports of the wedding.
Kislev 14, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Dina LA December 8, 2022

Wow this is powerful Reply

Yosef Morgan, MD December 9, 2011

Polish Rebbes at this Chasuna The video showed guests including R Menachem Ziemba and other. R Yitzchak Zelig Morgenstern from Sokolov was there. Does anyone know if R Yosef Aron Morgenstern fron Lukov Kotzk, my grandfather, HY"D, was there? If yes are there any photos? Reply