
Inside Operation Entebbe

The greatest hostage rescue in history

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Inside Operation Entebbe: The greatest hostage rescue in history

In July 1976, Israel successfully executed the bold Entebbe rescue mission, codenamed “Operation Thunderbolt,” flying thousands of miles over enemy territory to rescue Jewish hostages being held by terrorists in Uganda. Join IDF Commander Sassy Reuven for a first-hand account of how the miraculous operation unfolded.
Israel Defense Force, Entebbe Rescue

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Chanale N. Brooklyn NY November 9, 2020

Wow! So interesting Reply

Nissi Weiss March 27, 2020

loved it Reply

Mel v Emmenes Cape Town, Western Cape via December 16, 2016

Thank You Thank you for sharing! Truly inspirational! Proud to be Jewish!
And even prouder to be a member of Chabad West Coast! Reply

Chava Mishulovin Los Angeles July 12, 2016

Thank you for sharing this with us. Reply

Alexander NYC July 6, 2016

No words, Hashem Hu Haelokim!! Details with a soul! Never heard soo much information about this amazing miracle. Every word which came from your mouth was with Feeling!

Thank you so so much, yes the world must say that.
Your are a real Jew, caring and loving.
PS you make me smile, I like the Kippa! Reply

Ariel A. Santiago de Cali July 3, 2016

Entebbe ............ B"H
Thank you very much Sassy Reuven for telling me this victory from The LORD ALMIGHTY for the People of ISRAEL .
AM YISRAEL HAI .... !!!!!!!!!! Reply

David Jacobs Skokie May 3, 2016

Libya I'm curious why Libya & Khadafi refused the terrorists...other than giving the 4hrs of fuel? Reply

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