
A Leader Defined

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A Leader Defined

More than just the period of time in which he lived, each generation is essentially intertwined with, even defined by, its spiritual leader. This ccentuates the tremendous responsibility of those who merited to live in the same generation as a Rebbe. This extends also, to those who did not see him during his lifetime, or were born after his passing. If one studies his Torah teachings, and fulfills his directives, then he is bound to the Rebbe, and all that he represents. And this bond must transcend merely being connected; it should define and express his entire identity.
Hitkashrut, Rebbe, Role of; Rebbe-Chassid Relationship, Chabad Rebbes, Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Leader Defined
Disc 155, Program 618

Event Date: 10 Shevat 5722 - January 15, 1962

More than just the period of time in which he lived, each generation is essentially intertwined with, even defined by, its spiritual leader. This accentuates the tremendous responsibility of those who merited to live in the same generation as a Rebbe. This extends also, to those who did not see him during his lifetime, or were born after his passing. If one studies his Torah teachings, and fulfills his directives, then he is bound to the Rebbe, and all that he represents. And this bond must transcend merely being connected; it should define and express his entire identity.

Living Torah

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