
Jewish Burial

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Jewish Burial

It’s important to know what Judaism says on how to properly attend to the deceased from the time of death to burial. Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, a renowned expert on Jewish burial in our tradition, clarifies the matter.
Chevra Kadisha, Cremation, Death, Burial

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I am trying to find the burial place of my grandmother Rachel Reichgot(t?) z"l who expired in (circa) 1972. She lived in Netanya Israel. Her address was at 9 Shoam St.(or 29). At the time I lived in Canada pursuing electronic a career.and did not participate in the Netanya Israel. All the family members who might have known anything about her passing and burial - have all left the world. There is no one left in the world who might know anything about the burial of my Grandmother z"l. I contacted (as well as loaded) the application "Gravez" but nothing comes out of its usage due to nobody knowing the name my Grandmother had at her death as she had been married 3 times in her life. She was born in Poland under the name of Skarlat. She had had 2 sisters: Esther and Gitele. She married in Scierpz at a young age to Abraham Reichgot. They had met in the village of Scierpz. They had had 5 children - the 5th -Esther dying of Meningitis a baby. She had made Aliyah in 1955 taking me. Reply

Michael D’Antonio Brooklyn January 8, 2022
in response to JACQUES RAJCHGOD:

This is very interesting, I wish
I could help you… Reply