
A Message From Rabbi Goldstein of Chabad of Poway

April 28, 2019 11:43 PM
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A Message From Rabbi Goldstein of Chabad of Poway

Words of wisdom, pain and healing from Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, the rabbi of Chabad of Poway, speaking from his hospital bed following surgery after the horrific shooting at the Chabad synagogue.
Chabad Poway Synagogue Shooting (2019)

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Allen Teboul Coral Springs May 12, 2019

Rabbi Goldstein, it is a blessing to see you alive and recovering so you could deliver this very important message.
My heartfelt houghts, prayers and condolences to Dr. Howard for his loss.

I was once a member of this community and I am disgusted and angered by what has been done. We must fight. I've always said that and I'm not sure people there really understood where I was coming from with that remark. Regardless, now more than ever, we need to show strength and keep a strong faith in Hashem.

May He grant you all Koach, comfort, healing and the protection required for this beautiful community to bounce back from this evil and wretched atrocity.

I am 3000 miles away, but my heart is with you. Rifuah Shelayma.

Avraham Teboul Reply

Barry Chico CA May 8, 2019

Let me start by saying I am not Jewish and I am a biker, but I am sickened by the acts of these terrorist. Please know there are many like me that know it is important to stand beside you as brothers and sisters and help stamp out hatred no matter where it raises it's evil head. May God give you strength and courage in the face of this evil that just won't die, and may you all be kept safe in God's embrace. Reply

Frank Rando Tucson,AZ May 6, 2019

Shalom ..Rabbi Goldstein ..Shalom and many blessings and complete healing and recovery from this atrocity Reply

Yaakov Yitzhak Malta May 3, 2019

Brave Rabbi ..... Am Yisrael Hai. Reply

Sigal Tel Aviv May 3, 2019

When I think I can not be surprised, you bring forth yet another amazing source of light in the figure of this wonderful rabbi. More power to you! Reply

Shoshanah Dallas May 2, 2019

Am Yisroel Chai Reply

Margalit Atlanta May 1, 2019

AM YISROEL CHAI! Refuah Shelema Rabbi Goldstein !! :( Reply

David Channel island ca via April 30, 2019

May God. Bless everyone. Always,may The light of God hold us all . May we show love and joy and not hate.mAy you have a strong recovery Reply

Robert Braun mt laurel, nj April 30, 2019

What was the Hebrew name of Lori Gilbert-Kaye?

May you and the others wounded in your shul experience a full and speedy recovery. Reply Staff April 30, 2019
in response to Robert Braun:

Leah bas Reuvain. Thank you! Reply

Meir Ny April 30, 2019

Refuah shelama Rabbi Goldstein. May you feel better and those who were hurt. Reply

Anonymous April 30, 2019

Amen!!!! I will always love and support proud Judaism and Chabad! Reply

Devorah Deutsch Eretz Yisrrael via April 30, 2019

LKavodd Rabbi Goldstein The tears are running down my face as I listen to your words. .May Hashem grant you a total refuah shlaima in every way. Only Hakodesh Boruchu can help us. I live in Eretz Yisrael and pray that one day we will live in peace. Devorah Deutsch Reply

Anonymous davis April 29, 2019

I say amen with you. yes, our wonderful Jewish communities are blessed and will thrive, but I hurt for what you witnessed Rabbi and for your congregation's terrible loss. Reply

Stewart Kay Lancashire UK April 29, 2019

Promise I will try to go Shul this Shabbos be well Kol Tov Reply

shterna April 29, 2019

refuah shelem rabbi goldstein. Reply