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Text-based study enhances Torah study skills

Developed specifically for online, in-depth learning

Taught by scholars with a personal interest in the subject

Engaging topics made relevant to real life issues

About the Course

In this course, we will cover strife, personal weakness, the human condition, and the daily battles that rage between our G-dly soul and our animal soul. You will discover that not all conflict is bad; on the contrary, it can be channeled into a greater good. You will gain a profound appreciation for friends, family, and humanity as a whole. But, most importantly, you will gain a deeper insight into the world’s most important person, you.

Course syllabus

Lesson 1: Don’t Bring Reason to an Ego Fight
From Cain and Abel to your inconsiderate brother-in-law. For time immemorial, people have butted heads with one another. At times with good reason, more often with irrationality and short-sightedness. In this class, we will search for the essence and strength of strife, and discuss how to get unstuck from its pull utilizing the paths of peace given to us by the Torah.
Lesson 2: What’s Mine Is Whose?
What is so bad about someone who says, “What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours.” Who is the mystery “group” that helped G-d create the earth? In this class, we will look at the clothes on your back, the cycle of humanity that makes the world tick, why we need others to exist, how to extract fire from water, and how you can connect with people who are the antithesis of yourself.
Lesson 3: Mind Over Anger
The search for the soul is on, and not to give too much away, but it's not where you'd think it is. In this class, we will deconstruct the functions of the heart and mind, and explain how they relate to connecting to G-d and running the body. We will meet our inner ministers, and they're celestial counterparts, and finally understand the secret path to resolving conflict and building stronger relationships.
Lesson 4: Fix It, Don’t Fight It
In our final class, we will explore three practical, usable methods for resolving conflict. Using the mind as the key, we will discuss the power of the individual, the strength of the collective. The importance of self-examination and introspection, and understand why trees in a forest grow tall and mighty, while a tree growing alone can quickly lose its way.
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Length/Effort:
    4 weeks / 45 min. per week
  • Category: Personal improvement / Chassidic Philosophy
  • Institution: / Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore
  • (Suggested Donation $40)
    Donate Here
    Registration Required

Meet the Instructor

Rabbi Yosef Klyne was born and grew up in Manchester, UK, and studied in Yeshivot in Israel and the US. He serves as Mashpia (chassidic scholar and mentor) for graduate students at Yeshivas Lubavitch in Baltimore, MD. Rabbi Klyne writes and teaches in various forums, with a focus on applying the esoteric teachings of Chassidus in relevant terms, while retaining the full import and flavor of the original text.

  • This was an amazing course and well done. I was hesitate at first about the ability to "connect" with the subject and and amazed how my life focus has changed after just 4 weeks. Thank you Rabbi Stein and Courses. Shabbat Shalom.

    Joanne Y. - Israel

  • I loved everything about this course. It was obviously very well planned and delivered. The quality of your online course surpasses those which I have taken from university.

    Terry T. - USA

  • My husband, my son and I listen to and these courses are our school. We really thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

    Celia R. - USA

  • The instructor did an excellent job! I really enjoyed this course. I think it's a topic that's relevant to everyone--each of us has a soul, after all. I am looking forward to future offerings!

    Katy C - USA